•The Acceptance of Kunikuzushi•

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What a strange name, a long one at that. Does it have some sort of meaning..?

"So Kuni then?" She called and got a reaction out of the male.

He gave her a raised eyebrow, "Kuni? Can't be bothered to say my full name? Pathetic."

"Hey! You know how long that name is? Kuni is a shorter version, and it's much cuter."

"Cuter? Why should I care if my name is cute or not?"

"I'm not answering that- I'm calling you Kuni and that's final."

"But-" she slapped a hand over his mouth and shook her head.

"Nah ah, I don't wanna hear you arguing with me. You saved my life correct? Let's go to the Lantern Rite together so I can repay you back." She retreated her hand once she felt his breath against her palm, a little flustered.

"The Lantern Rite? That festival to celebrate the dead? Tch- I don't have time for that nonsense." He crosses his arms and gave her an annoyed look.

"I don't remember asking for your opinion, Kuni. You're going whether you like it or not. And-! Don't even think about threatening me. It won't work." She folded her arms and smirked.

The male before her gave her a puzzled look, one that was full of curiosity. It was as if there was a question that wanted to get out. He closed his eyes and rubbed his forehead.

Finally sighing, he looked her in the eyes and gave her a half hearted smiled. "Sure. Let's do whatever you want."

Whatever she wanted..? Why did he become so.. nonchalant about the topic. He was just arguing about not wanting to go earlier, so why the sudden change?

"Um- okay- there's still time until the festival actually starts so why don't we meet up here around.. let's say 7:30?"

"7:30..? I guess, I can clear my schedule till then." He sighed once more and walked off somewhere.

"What's his problem?"

"Whose problem, (Y/N)?" a voice asked from behind her.

She turned around to see a familiar blonde head. "Ah, Aether! Nothing important, I was dealing with something." She smiled.

"Then if that's done with, would you mind taking a walk with me? Paimon went to gobble up some food." He laughed as he lent (Y/N) a hand.

The girl looked at the blonde and her smile could only brighten, taking his hand they began to walk out of the docks.

As they arrived back in the city area, (Y/N)'s slowly drifted away from Aether, much to his dismay. However, she, herself, did not know the male with her was feeling that way. She simply thought all the decorations for the festival were fantastic.

"Look Aether! When those lanterns light up, I can't wait to see them float in the sky! It'll be so cool!" She giggled as she ventured forward to a stall that was selling a couple of Lantern Rite merchandise.

"Ah! Good evening young lady, does anything interest you?" Asked the shop keeper as the old lady walked around to the front of her stand.

"I was wondering if these were Rex Lapis' statues?" Said the young female as she points towards brown and gold dragon like statue.

"Indeed they are, although, Rex Lapis has passed on, we as his citizen will always remember him." The shopkeeper smiled.

The two continued to have small talk as Aether stood a little further behind (Y/N), not noticing a figure walking towards him.

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