•The Incidents In Gandhara Ville•

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After they were "rescued" by these forest rangers, Aether has still been unconscious; which worried (Y/N).

"What if he doesn't wake up..?" Paimon asked, floating by her friend's sleeping body.

"He'll wake up soon, the one named Tighnari mentioned that he inhaled too much incense and was unfamiliar with the scent." The girl reassured.

But even if she reassured Paimon, she wasn't able to reassure herself. She kept overthinking of what would happen if the Traveler didn't wake up.

She was scared.

The general gripped Aether's hand tightly, praying that he'll wake up soon.

The one named Collei stepped in with a promising smile.

"Good evening, did you guys want anything to eat before he wakes up? Master Tighnari said I should tend to you guys, so I'm going to give it my all!" She smiled happily.

But all Paimon and (Y/N) could think about was the "what-ifs".

"Are you sure it's not serious? He's been out for some time." Paimon asked worriedly.

"Yes, you can relax. Master is extremely knowledgeable! If he says that the Traveler is going to be alright then there's nothing to worry about!" Collei reassured.

A few moments passed and there was a movement in the Traveler.

Both Paimon and the officer looked shocked and sighed in relief.

Aether opened his eyes, and caught the attention of everyone in the room.

"Oh, are you awake now?" Collei asked.

Oh thank goodness! You're finally awake! Paimon was so worried!" She sniffled.

"..Where am I?" He asked as he sat up, not exactly sure of his surroundings.

"Well... we're in Gandhara Ville. Paimon was in such a panic that she forgot to ask. No worries though, I had a talk with Collei before we arrived here." (Y/N) replied.

"Yes! (Y/N) is right. This is a place originally built by scholars to live in the rainforest. Now, it's inhabited by forest rangers." Collei added.

The girl sitting besides Aether smiled at the green haired girl, there seems to be a sort of bond forming already.

"Oh! I forgot to mention, my name is Collei. I'm a trainer forest ranger under Master Tighnari. We happened to find you guys during our patrols. Thank archons we did, or else you would've been seriously hurt by nearby fungi."

"Thank you for your help." Aether smiled at her.

"No thanks are necessary, I didn't do much.. but how are you feeling right now?" Collei asked with great concern.

Aether had paused for a second, one could see that he was searching for something in his mouth with the way he touched his lips.

"I'm okay, but there's this bitter taste in my mouth.." He finally spoke.

"Oh that's master's herbal medicine, he had given you some while you were unconscious. The floating fairy here kept nagging us to not feed you weird things, haha." She laughed it off, and (Y/N) couldn't help but laugh as well.

"(Y/N), were you hurt by any chance?" Aether turned his attention to her and locked eyes with the giggling girl.

"Huh? Oh no! I'm okay!" She waved her hands reassuringly.

He grabbed her hand and squeezed it tightly. "Thank archons you're alright." He smiled.

"Oh before I forget again, master mentioned you should take more medicine once you wake up." Collei mentioned before she went to grab a container off the shelf.

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