•The Guidance of Nahida•

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(* Listening to "Die For You - Remix" with Ariana Grande as I write this next chapter 😫!!)


Nahida? That's a new name she's never heard of in her entire life. The young girl was more used to names of Natlan origins, and not those of Sumerians. Not that (Y/N) was going to be accustomed to any Sumerian names. Although, the names she has heard so far were quite beautiful.

"You can call me (Y/N), this is Aether and behind me is Paimon.-" she gets cut off by Paimon intruding into the conversation.

"Who are you guys talking to? Paimon doesn't see anyone." She asked confusingly.

That made (Y/N)'s eyes widen, Paimon couldn't see this child in front of them? But Aether could right? He was talking to her earlier.. the officer shot her head towards the blonde.

"..." he didn't say anything, he just stared at the group's left side with a shocked expression.

That made (Y/N) and Paimon glance to their left to see a sleeping Dunyarzad. That was when Nahida sat on a stool next to the bed. "I've been watching over her for the past few days. She's only getting worse."

Paimon gasped loudly and flew by Aether's side, trying to comfort him. She may not know what was going on, but at least she was there for her friend.

"Is Dunyarzad sick?" (Y/N) asked, hoping for a positive answer.

That was when Aether nodded, and continued to stare at her sleeping body. "I figured as much throughout the days that we spent with her." He pats Paimon's head as she hung onto his shoulder.

"But I thought she was waiting for us in the plaza.." (Y/N) said with certainty and a mix of confusion.

"That's not the real one." Nahida simply spoke out, and locked eyes with the young girl.

"What do you mean..? She must've gotten tired and decided to rest up before meeting up.." she tried to reason her answer, but nothing sounded right in her head.

That was when there was a sharp pain in her head, it felt like a bunch of lightning bolts were zipping their way back and forth in her head. It felt like a migraine, but worse. (Y/N) gripped her forehead and groaned out in pain. Before anyone knew it she collapsed on the floor.


"(Y/N)??" Aether rushed to her side and gently let her lay her body on his. Pressing his hand against her forehead, he felt a heat warming up and panicked.

"That's the effects of the Samsara changing. Since you are not of this world, you're not affected by it. However, (Y/N), was born and raised in Natlan. She belongs to this world, major changes to the mind and dreams will affect her mentally." Nahida warned.

Aether shot his head towards Nahida, he was surprised to find out that she knew so much about both of them. "How did you-!?"

"Is she okay?? Paimon's getting worried!!" She was floating a bit above Aether's head and peered over to see (Y/N)'s collapsed body.

"Paimon knows! She'll fetch her some water!" Then the pixie left with a bucket in hand to grab some water from a nearby water source.

"You have a nice friend. I wonder what it's like to have someone like that. But you're looking at me like I'm an abyss mage about to blast my cryo icicles at you! Silly! I'm just very knowledgeable, so do not fret!" Nahida laughs it off and walked to the officer's unconscious body.

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