Ashton Imagine for loveforhoran93

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You make a cake for Ashton and yours anniversary and Ashton is allergic to an ingredient and ends up in hospital. (Applause for this girls imagination please)

Your P.O.V.

Today was Ashton and I's third anniversary and I wanted it to be special. I got up super early to get ready. Unfortunately, Ashton had to go to the studio for a few hours this morning but he promised he'd be home by the afternoon.

I decided to make some lunch for us both for when Ashton came back.

First I made some pasta and salad and then started on what would be my masterpiece, almond cake!

I made the cake batter and put it in the oven. Everything was going well.


"IM HOME!" I heard Ashton announce from downstairs.

I quickly went downstairs to greet for boyfriend of three years.

"Ashton!" I said excitedly.

"Happy anniversary, love" Ashton said while picking me up and twirling me around in his arms.

"Happy anniversary Ash" I smiled.

"I booked a place for dinner tonight!" Ashton told me.

"Great! But first we can have lunch"


"You know, it's been three years and I never knew you could cook so well" ashton laughed.

"Well, you learn something new everyday! Do you want some cake?"

"G'wannn sure" (I felt the need, as an Irish person, to add this in)

I cut the cake and put some on a plate for us with some ice cream.

I handed one plate to Ashton and kept one for myself.

It was surprisingly good for something I'd make.

"Ehm, this tastes great but can I ask one question?" Ashton said, his face going a shade of red.

"Yeah, what is it?" I started to worry.

"Is there nuts in this?"

"Well, yeah, there's almonds"


"I'm so sorry ashton"

Currently Ashton and I are sitting in a hospital room, tubes connected to Ashton and all.

"It's okay, you didn't know" he laughed.

"You could've died, I'm so sorry"

"Stop apologising" Ashton said and then placed a kiss on my lips.

The doctor came soon and have Ashton one last injection to make sure he wouldn't have a bad reaction and swell up.

Let's just say our anniversary didn't end the way we planned.


Here's your imagine! I'm sorry it took a while and I'm also sorry that the quality of this is beyond bad.

Thanks for reading everyone!


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