You Like Him But Another Band Member Likes You

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You like him but another band member likes you


 “Oh, come on, Y/N, it’s just one date,” Calum pouted as he poked your arm. “But, I-I don’t know,” You frowned, looking down at your thumbs. “Just one date please?” He repeated, sticking out his bottom lip out even more. A few days ago, you noticed that Calum has been acting really different towards you. Lately, he’s always trying to talk to you, he does the weirdest shit to catch your attention and he’s always beside you. You weren’t that dense to figure out that he had a crush on you, and he wasn’t really the type to hide the fact. Yeah, Calum was insanely cute but you had another reason why you don’t want to go out with him. “Heeeey,” you heard him say. You immediately looked up to see your best friend, Ashton, standing in front of you with that signature dimpled smile of his. You stood up and hugged him, breathing in his familiar scent with a smile. “Somebody missed me,” Ashton laughed as he hugged you back. “How could I not?” you replied, pulling away from him. You noticed Calum watching you from the corner of your eye, and you could see his expression change. He mumbled something incoherent before standing up to leave, walking briskly away from the two of you. “What’s up with him?” Ashton asked, and you responded with a shrug. You couldn’t tell Ash the reason why Calum walked out, you just couldn’t right now.


“Hey!” You jumped, squealing when somebody just randomly screamed in your ear. You shot Ashton daggers and began to hit him rapidly, “Why the fuck did you do that?” you hissed at him. He just gave you that dimpled smile with that adorable laugh of his, “Sorry, I can’t help it. What are you doing anyway?” He peeked behind you, discovering a certain boy sleeping on the couch peacefully. He giggled, but you cupped your tiny hand over his mouth to shut him up, “Don’t you dare,” You hate to admit it, but you have been watching Michael sleep for the past fifteen minutes. You loved watching Michael sleep because it makes him look so peaceful and angelic, even if there was drool on the corner of his lips. You didn’t know if this was just infatuation or if it’s a crush, but one thing’s for sure - you liked him. You tried your very best to hide this from the others, but Ashton caught you in the act. “Don’t tell him, please?” You almost begged, your voice close to a whisper as you didn’t want to disturb him. He gently removed your hand from his mouth, grinning, “I wouldn’t, but you gotta promise you would go out on a date with me.”


You hummed along to the tune of Bad Dreams as you read the first problem of your algebra homework. You reread it again and again, hoping you would understand the problem to the point that your head began to ache. You ran a hand through your hair, shutting your algebra notebook before pushing it away from you. You decided to just do your homework later on, so you needed something to do to pass the time. You looked through the contents of your drawer, and grinned when you finally found pieces of scratch paper hidden under some old books you have read. You pulled out a pen and began to doodle random things on the pieces of paper. Your mind then drifted off to Calum, and you didn’t realize that you’ve filled an entire piece of paper with Calum’s name. “Need help?” You heard a deep voice say, snapping you out of your thoughts. You watched in horror as Luke picked up the paper, examining the contents. “So, you like Calum?” He asked, sadly, setting the paper back down on your desk. You slid the paper under your notebook awkwardly, before turning to him once more. “What brings you here?” you asked, scratching the back of your head. “N- nothing, nevermind, it wasn’t that important,” was his reply before he swiftly exited the room, leaving you there confused.


 The three of you sat quietly in the living room, minding your own business. Luke was sitting down on the couch, trying to practice a song with his guitar. Michael was on his phone, probably on Twitter or something, and was sitting on the same couch as Luke was. You were trying to read the Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins, but you were too distracted to even turn the next page. You kept glancing up at Luke as he strummed his guitar, humming quietly, trying to get the song right. You had a crush on Luke, but of course, no one else knew but you. You watched as he groaned, running a hand through his dirty blonde locks, clearly frustrated that he couldn’t get it right. You began to bite your lip at the sight, then you heard Michael cough loudly. This caused you and Luke to glance over at him, and he just shrugged in reply. “Hey, Y/N, wanna go out for a movie later?” Michael asked, as he continued to tap his screen rapidly. “U-um, sure?” You say, not quite sure why he wanted to watch a movie with you. “It’s a date then!” Luke frowned as Michael said this, but shook his head and continued to practice the song. You could feel your chest tighten, because he didn’t even care if Michael went out with you. “Since we’re going out, I’m gonna go back home to prepare, excuse me,” you said, as you stood up and walked out the door, leaving Michael and Luke alone in the living room.

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