He's in love with you

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He sat in a patio chair, his mum going on about something rather. He wasn't trying to be rude by not hearing what she was saying, he couldn't help it. He was totally engrossed with you. You were in his garden, playing with Harry. He watched as you ran up to the soccer ball, totally missing and falling flat on your bum. You lent back, laughing and lying on the grass, covering your face with your hands as Harry ran over and stole the soccer ball, bending over in laughter. Ashton bit down on his lip to keep himself from laughing. You were absolutely, undoubtedly, most definitely the craziest girl he'd ever met in the whole entire universe. So of course he was in love with you. The only problem was, was that you were his best friend and you didn't know. You stood up, looking over at him and grinned, dusting off your butt. His eyes couldn't help but travel down your frame as you turned around and started jogging after Harry. It was almost painful how much he loved you, how much he wanted you all to himself. Ashton couldn't deny it; he was undeniably, stupidly, and completely in love with you.


"Woo! Go Calum!" You cried as you ran on to the grass of your backyard and jumped on to his back. Calum tensed slightly, your body being so close to his, but relaxed just as quickly as it had happened. He turned his head slightly, smirking. Leave it to you to be so enthusiastic about a backyard soccer game between him and the boys. He thought it was adorable. You wrapped your arms around his neck, signalling that you wanted to go places and he was the one that was going to be taking you there. Being in love with you was fun and exciting and a little bit rebellious. Being Luke's sister, it was basically a commandment that he wasn't allowed to feel this way for you. He wasn't entirely sure if you felt the same way back, but he wasn't going to stop trying any sooner or later. Hesitantly, his hands held on to your thighs to support you, the touch making his palms feel like they were burning. The affect you had on him was almost overwhelming but he didn't mind, his rapid heart rate suggesting such.


He almost tasted bile in his mouth every time he saw you and your boyfriend together. He knew what an arrogant asshole your boyfriend was and it frustrated him to the enth degree that you were with him. It's not even like your boyfriend deserved you; Luke couldn't count on one hand how many nights he had stayed comforting you about the prick. And now here he was tonight, sitting on your bed whilst you paced around the room, a hand pressed against your forehead in worry. "Why don't you just break up with the guy?" Luke said, a little annoyance creeping into his voice. You stopped mid-pace, looking up at him in confusion and hurt. "Break up?" You repeated slowly. Luke sighed, leaning forward and resting his elbows on his knees. What had he done? "He doesn't deserve you, he always ends up making you angry or feel like shit. You need someone who cares for you and treats you like the best thing that has ever happened to this planet. Someone who loves you." His eyes shifted to the floor. "Oh, really? And who could that someone be? Mr.Doesn't-Exist, because I don't see him anywhere!" You placed your hands on your hips stubbornly, raising your eyebrows. Luke chewed on his lip nervously, looking up at you. He stood up, taking a step towards you. "Well if you opened your eyes," he said quietly, taking another step closer. "You'd realise that I'm right here." You were stunned into silence. "I love you. I don't know when nor how but I know that you are too beautiful to be hurt like this, you are better than what he treats you as." Luke stared at you for a moment, his glance capturing yours. He took the last step, his body so close to yours your chests brushed when you breathed. He kissed your forehead lightly. "I love you."


"Take that." You laughed, poking your tongue out at him as you placed your controller down. You and Michael had been playing video games for hours and you wanted to rest. Michael watched you as you crawled over to him on the couch, cuddling up to his body. His breath hitched. How was it that you had such an effect on him? His mouth ached to tell you how he loved you but he pressed his lips together. He couldn't tell you. You guys had been best friends since day one and that wasn't an area that was to be crossed. "I love you," you sighed and his heart rate picked up to a wild speed as he looked down at you wide-eyed. Thank God you were against his chest and couldn't see his immediate reaction. "You're the best-est friend ever." You finished, your breathing turning even as you started to fall asleep. Michael could almost feel his heart shattering into millions of tiny pieces. Best friends. Forever and always, just friends.

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