He hits you during a fight

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"Explain", you said throwing a magazine at Luke. You were coming back from work, when you saw your boyfriend at a magazine cover. Now, this wasn't weird, since he was in a quite famous band, but the problem was that he was looking rather intimate with some random girl on it. His eyes scanned the page, then your face, and the page again. "It's bullshit", he said. "Well, it sure doesn't look like bullshit to me", you said picking it up from his lap. "In fact, it looks like my boyfriend might have CHEATED on me. What does it look like to you?", you asked. "It looks like bullshit", he said, starting to get angry. "Seriously, Luke, explain it to me.", you started to raise your voice. You were feeling everything it was possible for a human being to feel; rage, sadness, heart ache, it was all just mixed up inside of you. You wanted to cry, you wanted to yell at him, you wanted an answer. But it looked like you weren't going to get one, seeing as he kept quiet. "EXPLAIN this SHIT to me, Luke", you started to yell. All of a sudden he stood up,towering over you, and started to yell back. "Holy shit, (Y/N), I thought you knew BETTER than believing in what those fucking GOSSIP magazines say". "I do know better when it only says shit without proves, but it as fucking PICTURE on it's fucking COVER.", you said, anger speaking louder than all the other feelings. You could see all of the feelings flashing through his blue eyes, but the one that settled was one you've never seen; and you weren't excited to see it again. "Goddammit, (Y/N), you're a fucking IDIOT, you know that?!", suddenly, he raised his hand and sent it flying right to your cheek. You stood there, feeling the place his hand had just been starting to get hotter, trying to order the thoughts in your mind. The look in his eyes suddenly switched to confusion and hurt. "(Y/N) I'm so sorry", he tried to reach out to hug you, but you took one step away from him. "Don't. Don't touch me, please", your voice broke and you left the house running; tears slipping down your cheeks.


It wasn't the first time he did this; getting home drunk. Actually, he was doing it quite often now, and it annoyed you a lot. You had no problem with him going out to drink with his friends once in a while, but you missed having him to you. "Ashton", you said following him into the kitchen. "What?", he aggressively asked. "You have to stop", you cautiously said. "Stop what, (Y/N)?", he was clearly annoyed, but you couldn't stop now. "Stop doing this; going out with your friends every night, only to come home drunk at 4 a.m.", he gave you a look, as if he wasn't believing you actually had said that. "You're really saying that (Y/N)?", he asked stepping closer, which only made you feel his breath infected with the alcohol on his system, but you nodded your head, trying to ignore it. "Who do you think you fucking are to tell me what to do? My fucking mom?", he asked. "You're just so god damn annoying, (Y/N). Can't you just mind your own fucking business?", his words were already doing a good job at breaking you down, but nothing could do it better than what happened next. Without a warning, his hand came crashing down to your cheek, it was actually so strong it made you loose your balance and fall to the ground; making you hit the back of your head on a wall. He simply left the kitchen as if he hadn't just attacked his girlfriend. Confused, you wrote down a note for him, telling him you'd be at a friend's house for the next few days, and left the house.


You were at a club with Michael, trying to enjoy one of your last nights together before he left for tour. "I'm gonna get some drinks", he said leaving you standing alone. You didn't mind, it's not like the other guys there hadn't seen you with him, and he'd be back soon. "Hey, pretty girl", said a male voice from behind you. You tried to turn around, to explain that you were here with your boyfriend, but he had already put his hands on your waist and glued your bum to his crotch area. "I have a boyfriend, could you please go away?", you tried to be polite as you tried to get away from his grip. "Huh, I don't care; you're the hottest girl here.", he said grinding in you. "Fuck off", a voice you knew well said. The guy took one look at Michael, before letting go of you. "Hey man, I'm sorry. She was throwing herself at me, I didn't know she had a boyfriend", the dude tried to explain himself. You couldn't believe he was actually saying that, but you hoped that Michael had actually seen what happened, then he had probably seen you trying to get out of his grip. "Leave", he said firmly. Once he had left running, Michael grabbed your hand and took you to an alley in the back of the club. "Can you believe in that guy?", you asked once you were out. "What the fuck were you doing, (Y/N)?", he spatted at you. "What?", you asked a little confused. "You were fucking GRINDING on that fucking guy.", he yelled. "No, I wasn't. HE was grinding on ME, and I was trying to get AWAY from him", you yelled back, trying to explain yourself. "You know what, (Y/N)? Why don't you just go back to that club and grind on EVERY fucking guy you see, huh?", okay, he was definitely out of his mind. "What the fuck are you saying?!", you yelled at him. Instead of replying, he simply hit you hard on the cheek. "What the hell?!", you asked putting a hand on your cheek and trying to fight your tears. He took one look at you like that, too many feelings crossing his eyes, before running off; leaving you alone like that.


You and Calum had been fighting a lot, and for the most stupid reasons. Once it was 'cause he didn't put his dishes on the sink, then 'cause he left his shoes in your doorway, and, now, 'cause you thought he was spending too much time away. "Well, I'm fucking sorry if I'm on a band and we have to tour to get money", he said already annoyed, seeing where it was going. "I'm just saying that when you're here you could at least try to spend some time with me", you replied angrily. "I have my fucking family to see too, (Y/N), and my friends too. It's hard to find time for everyone.". "Ooh, I'm Calum Hood, I'm too busy for my girlfriend, and I have to make a schedule about everyone that I'm seeing when I'm on my days off", you mocked him. You knew you were pressing a button that would awake a deep rage in him, but you were honestly too mad to care. "What the fuck was that?!", he yelled, but you didn't reply. "I said; what the fuck was that? Say it again.", you were starting to get scared, he had never screamed like that at you again, and all that you wanted to do was cry and apologize; but you were too proud for that, so you repeated it. You were expecting him to yell at you, break up with you, leave the house; but you certainly wasn't expecting him to actually act physically aggressive. He took your arm with his hand and pushed you away, making you fall to the ground; shocked and scared. You instantly started to cry; the pain overtaking you. Calum tried to, carefully, get closer to you, but you immediately stopped him. "No. Get away. I don't want to see you.", you said. "(Y/N) I'm so sorry.", he ignored you and kept walking towards you, but you raised a hand to try to keep him away. "Please go away", you said weakly. And just like that he left the house, slamming the door behind him.

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