Luke imagine for Alexis (alexisfox123)

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Luke imagine for Alexis

"Babe?" Luke called out from the kitchen.

"Yeah?" I answered back.

"Where did you put the cot?" He replied with another question.

"It's in our room" I told him making my way to him.

He sprung up from the chair he was sitting on and flew past leaving a small kiss on my head.

I was eight months pregnant and Luke was very excited. He spent hours of each day getting the nursery ready. He painted the walls a summery yellow colour as we didn't know if our baby was a boy or a girl.

Luke came rushing back down the stairs with a big box containing a cot for our new arrival.

"I was going to try put it together myself but I don't think I'll be able so Michael, Calum and Ashton are coming to help in about an hour." Luke said out of breath from running up and down the stairs.

"Okay, until then can we just cuddle?" I asked hoping he wouldn't mind. I was exhausted.

"Of course we can" Luke said while taking my hand and leading me to the couch.

Luke sat down and pulled me onto his lap. He was so careful the past few months. He acted like he would break me if he touched me or something. I found it quite cute.

I nuzzled my head into Luke's neck and smiled as I smelt his familiar scent.

"You comfy?" Luke asked.

"Yeah, I am." I slightly giggled at his cuteness.

"I can't believe we have a little baby on the way. We will finally have a little family." Luke said in amusement.

"I can't believe it either." I said truthfully.

"I love you so much Alexis" luke kissed my head.

"I love you too Luke."

Hope you liked it Alexis!

Sorry, it wasn't great :(

Forgive me if it wasn't what you were expecting :/

I'm running low on ideas

I will have the rest wrote in the next two days hopefully : )

Please don't request now as requests are closed but I will let you know when they are open again : )

I am also really near 1000 votes so please help me reach 1000!!

Thank you x

(Maybe vote and comment what you thought?....)

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