Song Preference||Taylor Swift- You Belong With Me 3/4

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She wears high heals, I wear sneakers. She's cheer captain and I'm on the bleachers.

"I really like her, Y/N" Ashton sighs. He has spent the last twenty minutes talking about his new girlfriend and how fabulous she is. You hated her.

"Her fashion sense is also on point" He chuckles slightly.

"So you're telling me that short, tight dresses that barely cover her ass and 10 inch heals a.k.a slut clothes, are on point?" You said in an annoying tone.

"Hey, Rosabelle is not a slut! She's only ever had like 10 boyfriends!" Ashton defends.

(Soz if your name is Rosabelle)

"Ashton, even her name sounds slutty! Woah, she only ever had 10 boyfriends? I've had one boyfriend Ashton and he didn't even care about me! He practically banged a different girl each night while I was at home thinking he was busy with homework! No one ever cares about me but yet your there wasting you time with a dirty slut who is only using you for the fake and sex!" You shouted while getting up and leaving.

You were sick of Ashton at this point. He never gets it. You are in love with him and he ignores the fact. You've never actually admitted it but sometimes it's obvious. Ashton always picks the prettiest girls. The sexiest ones. The ones who let him sleep with her every night. You were none of those things and it upset you.

You ran outside in tears leaving an ashamed and knowing Ashton in your house.

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