Your Song

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Your Song


Perfect by Pink
You always felt a little self conscious about your appearance, from your thighs to how you teeth weren't straight you picked out every flawed detail of yourself. You were on twitter and most of the time 5SOS fans loved you and Calum's relationship but one day a few girls were sending you hate and making jokes about how fat you were and other mean things and you began to believe them. You walked into your bathroom staring at yourself in the mirror pinching your side and staring at your thighs 'god I really are all those things'. Calum had come home and you didn't hear him come in being drowned in your own hatred of yourself. as tears began to fall the bathroom door swung open and a smiling Calum who's face sank when he saw you hurting. "y/n what happened? Are you okay?!" He walked in and grabbed you pulling you tight and you cried into his shoulder. He picked you up carrying you back to your bedroom placing you softly on the bed and laying down with you cuddling you in his protective grip when his foot his the computer at the end of your bed and he saw what was making you cry. He closed the computer and threw it to the ground and laid back down. He brushed the haiir away from your ear and leaned close kissing you gently "you know you are none of those things you are the most perfectly beautiful girl I've ever seen" he said to you and then began humming the song and singing the chorus in your ear and since then it was always the song that you two claimed as your couple song.


Hung Up by Hot Chelle Rae
Michael and your relationship was so much fun. The two of you together were crazy always laughing even if there was nothing to laugh at you two would remember something that made you laugh from forever ago and die laughing. You always loved Hot Chelle Rae so Michael took you to their concert and when they played their newest song. As soon as you heard it you and Michael looked at each other and died because of the chorus "tell them other girls I'm through everybody knows I'm hung up on you" and that became you and Michael's shared little quote he would always start singing the beginning and you would end it or the other way around and he would finish all of his texts "I'm hung up on you babe ;)"


Like I Do Asher Monroe
You were having a hard time with Ashton being on tour so much and you were feeling very alone and when you did see Ashton you were ditant and you felt like your relationship was coming to an end. You went to their show and was standing right on the side of the stage watching him play the drums being totally in his element and watching him you were remembering all the things that you fell in love with then suddenly the song ended and Ashton stood up from his drum set "Hey guys! is everyone having a great time?" You just smiled listening to his accent and him being his dorky self. "Alright as some of you guys know and I'm not sure how but I have an amazing girlfriend who is here tonight and we haven't seen each other in FOREVER!" "You know what that means" Michael interrupted and everyone cracked up laughing "No....but she's really having a hard time with a lot of things and I'm not really sure how to fix things....and this is the only way I could think this one's for you y/n I love you so much!" He sat back down and Luke counted down and they began playing and you just wanted to run on stage and jump and kiss Ashton but you couldn't. As Ashton sang the chorus your knees were weak and you just were flooded by all the emotions that had left and Ashton looked over and saw you and winked. After the song he jumped up and Ran to grab you around the waist with one arm and his drum sticks in the other and gave you a kiss "Love you babe but I got to go!" "I'll be waiting for you after the show you said with a wink.


Beneath you Beautiful Emile Sande
You and Luke had been friends for a while and you had a boyfriend for most of your friendship and Luke didn't like him. He constantly ordered you around and didn't want you hanging out with anyone except him and when you did he would threaten to break up unless you came to him immediately. Once when you and Luke were hanging out and he called you to tell you to come home Luke had enough. "I'll take you" Luke drove you in his car to your boyfriends house and Luke jumped out and knocked on the door when he answered Luke started screaming "You like picking on girls and making them feel like shit? hmmm what's your problem why don't you shove me like you do her let's go you're such a big man let's go man to man" your boyfriend saw you in his car "is this your new boyfriend bring him to fight your battles?" with that you jumped out of his car "no I didn't and you know what fuck you I'm done you never loved me you're just a control freak abuser and I'm leaving you shoved by the go get your things out of his house "you touch her again and I'll kill you" Luke told him walking in to help you. HE found you putting things in your bag and started picking things up "thank you" you whispered to him "y/n I did it because I love you like really love you" you smiled to yourself as you picked up your bags and walked away. As you pulled away in Luke's car he turned on thee radio Beneath your Beautiful came on and Luke held out his hand for you to hold. "I know your out of my league but that won't scare me you build your walls so high that no one can climb in but I'm gonna try would you let me see beneath your beautiful would you let me see beneath your perfect" he softly sang to you kissing your hand and driving away.

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