You're Scared

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You're scared

You're Scared


There was a terrible storm that was ripping through your town and your power had gone out. The only good thing was that Ashton was over your house for a visit when the storm came and your power went out. You were terrified that something was going to happen to your house or to Ashton or yourself. Your mom called to make sure you were alright and if you had power: "Yea mom I'm fine my powers out but Ash is here so we're making the best of it" "Alright well keep flashlights and stuff around your dad is out working I don't want you to worry but I thought you should know he's working but I'm sure he'll be fine" your dad had worked for the town working on roads forever and every storm he had to go and clean up fallen trees and stuff so you should be used to it at this point but this storm was particularly bad. You hung up and phone and sat back down with Ashton "Hey y/n are your parents okay?" "Yea my mom still has power and stuff but my dad is out working" Ashton pulled you into his strong protective arms kissing the top of your head as you leaned your head on his chest. Ashton knew you were extremely worried about your dad "babe he'll be fine he goes out in storms all the time and is fine" "I know but he hasn't been in this bad of a storm in a while" "I know but he's going to be fine he's a professional and is pretty badass so he'll kick that storms ass and be home for dinner" You giggled a little then cuddled back into his chest "Yea I guess you're right" "Damn right I'm right and tomorrow we'll go over your parents house to make sure everyone is okay"


Your best friend was in the hospital. She had been in a really bad accident and you didn't know how she was. The waiting room was filled with her family and friends. No one knew anything about her condition or how the accident had happened the only thing everyone knew was that she wasn't doing good. After what felt like eternity a doctor came out of the double doors "y/f/n family?" Everyone stood up and circled around him "Well it seems like she has some head trauma and a broken leg, the head trauma is severe and we're not sure sure what the next few days entail but if we can get the pressure down in the next 24 hours then she should recover but as of right now the pressure is high she isn't no where near out of the woods yet" Her mother started to cry and her father was holding her you just kind of stood there numb. The doctor turned and left and everyone sat back down but you just stood there. Michael wrapped his arm around you and led you away down the hallway into the cafeteria that was down the hall. When you sat down at one of the tables Michael went to get you each something to drink when he walked away everything the doctor said hit you and you collapsed into tears. Michael ran away from the soda machine and grabbed you "Hey come on" he said wrapping his arms around you letting you cry into his chest. "Babe hey the doctor said there was hope and in situations like these that's all we have she'll be fine she's a fighter if anyone can it's her" You felt the tears in your eyes dry up "If anyone can it's her" "I told you" he said leading you back to the waiting room.


Luke walked into your shared bedroom seeing clothes being thrown out of your closet "ughhhhh I have nothing to freaking wear" you groaned throwing more clothes out "What the hell y/n what are you doing" "I have nothing to wear I'm not going to get this job I'm going to be broke my entire life and you're going to leave cause I'm a failure and I'm going to live in a cardboard box on the streets alone for the rest of my life Luke" "That makes no sense what so ever" he laughed sitting down on your bed. You picked up a skirt from the floor and a shirt from the hanger "I HATE MY LIFE" you shouted falling into the pile of clothes on your floor. "Babe stop you've been in school for so long and have done nothing but study and do your work you've been working for this job for the past 3 years". He walked into the closet picking up a skirt and a shirt that didn't match in the slightest "Here wear this" "Lucas that is a neon pink skirt and a neon yellow crop top I'm not going to a rave I'm going to an interview" you picked up another outfit "like?" "Very business sexy" you laughed and walked away to try it on. "Oh and one more thing even if you don't get this job you're not a failure" "I'm just scared that I won't get it and I'll disappoint you and my parents and everyone like everyone is expecting me to nail this interview and what if I don't?" "Love nothing you could ever do would disappoint me and I know the same goes for your parents nothing will ever make me stop loving especially not a job so what if you don't get there's plenty of jobs out there and you'll get the perfect one" "thanks Luke" you said giving him a kiss and finishing trying on your outfit.


"We've been here for literally 7 hours" Calum said looking at his watch "Well giving birth takes time I guess I don't think you can just pop it out and be on your way, right mom" "No it takes time sometimes up to almost 48 hours Calum when I was in labor with y/n I was in it for almost 40 hours before she decided to grace the world with her presence" "Always takes forever to get out the door since birth" you playfully slapped him. Your sister was in labor with her first child. It had been a rather hard pregnancy she was very sick and the baby had not been the most cooperative. As the hours went by the one monitor she was hooked up to started to beep and nurses started rushing in "Everyone needs to leave except the father" "What's wrong" you asked as your mom and Calum pushed you out of the room. All your family sat right outside of the door waiting for word on your sister and the baby. You were pacing back and forth when Calum got up and took you buy the shoulder "Stop" he said "You stop" "No I mean stop pacing, I know that face when your eyebrows get pushed together and you bite the inside of your cheek I don't like when your face is like that because I know that you're terrified and I hate it" "He reached out and pulled you into a hug you felt protected in his arms "I'm scared something will happen to them" "Nothing is going to happen to them they're both going to be fine and you'll be that awesome aunt that everyone wants that'll buy them beer and condoms without telling their parents" you laughed at the idea "and I'll be the over protective uncle that's like a brother" The doctor came out and explained that the baby's heartbeat had dropped but both mom and baby are fine she close to fully dilated so why don't you guys come back to the room because she's getting ready to push. You and Calum looked at each other "We'll wait here" you said simultaneously with a giggle.

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