You Like Him But Another Band Member Likes You (Part 2)

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you like him but another band member likes you (part 2)


 You decided to talk to Calum about what happened, and so you excused yourself from Ashton, then went outside to find him. He was sitting down on the ground, looking up at the cloudy sky, watching the clouds pass by slowly. You awkwardly took a seat next to him, hugging my knees but he didn’t acknowledge my presence. You cleared your throat, not knowing how to start this off. “Uhm, Calum… I’m sorry about that,” You mumbled, scratching back of your head as you put together the right words. “I’m sorry, I know you like me but by now, I’m pretty sure you know the reason why I couldn’t like you back,” You continued, looking down shyly at the thought of Ashton. You heard him exhale sharply, and he glanced at you with a sad smile. “I noticed it a few days ago, but I just really like you, so I prayed that I was wrong and that you didn’t see him that way. But this just confirms everything, now doesn’t it, Y/N?” You drew circles on your leg with your finger and nodded timidly, muttering an apology under your breath. “Do you love him?” Calum asked you, as you looked up at him with a shy smile. “I love him so much, it hurts. I don’t know what I see in him honestly, but he just makes me feel so happy and I just fell in love with him, you know what I mean? I just love Ashton so much, I don’t even know what to do without him,” “What?” Your body tensed up when you heard his voice right behind you, and you slowly looked up with fear. He didn’t hear that, he didn’t hear what you just said. “I-I-Ashton-” you started to stutter, and Calum stood up with a smile. “She’s all yours, mate. I’ll leave you two alone,” he says, walking back to the house, leaving you and Ashton alone outside. You could feel your cheeks heat up in embarrassment, and you didn’t know what to do now. He just heard you confessing your love to him, and now you don’t know how he’ll react. You were scared he was going to leave you just because you like him, and you didn’t want that. “Look Ash, c-can we just forget this e-ever happened?” He smirked and shook his head, “I’m never letting this go, babe.” He pulled you into a kiss and you could just stand there, eyes widened. Once he pulled away, your soul seemed to come back to your body and you snapped out of your shock. “Wh-why did you-” He giggled, bear-hugging you instead, “I love you so much, why would I want to forget about the day the girl I love says she loves me?” Your heart fluttered at his words and you found yourself giggling along with him. You hugged him back, wishing that this moment would last forever and hoping that this is not just a dream.


 “But you gotta promise to go out on a date with me,” Ashton grins as he stares down at you with those hazel eyes. Yes, you wanted to keep this secret from Michael so bad, and an innocent date with Ashton wouldn’t hurt anybody. But the problem is, you don’t know how to feel about it. Yes, it’s just an innocent date but you feel like you’re cheating on Michael somehow. Psh, you aren’t even dating, so why are you making such a big deal out of this, Y/N? You bit your lip, contemplating whether or not you should go on a date with him. How would Mikey feel if he found out about it? Would he be okay with it? Would he be mad because you didn’t ask him first? Would he be jealous and overprotective? Well, guess there’s only one way to find out. “So, would you go out on a date with me tomorrow?” Ashton asked, leaning against the doorframe with a smirk. You opened your mouth to reply when you felt someone’s hand on your mouth. You were surprised to see it was Michael, he was standing beside you, his right arm wrapped around your shoulder and his left hand on your mouth. He gave you a sleepy smile then turned to Ashton, “She’s busy tomorrow,” he says, narrowing his eyes at Ashton. Ashton’s eyebrow quirked upwards and his lips pressed into a thin line, “I think she can decide for herself, Cliffo.” Michael glances down at you and shrugs, “She has plans for tomorrow, and she’s going with me.” You look up at him in surprise and he just winks at you, and you knew that he wants you to play along. “Is that true, Y/N?” Ashton turned to you with a pout. “Y-yeah, sorry,” You apologized, fixing your gaze on the carpeted floor. “And what will you do?” Ashton asked, and Michael just grinned. “Isn’t it normal to take your girlfriend out on a date?” Your eyes widened and your jaw dropped, as did Ashton’s. Michael turned to you with a smirk, and kissed your cheek, causing you to blush. “Sorry bout that, Mike. Have fun tomorrow,” Ashton grins, winking at me before he skipped away. You turned to him, placing a hand on your hip, “Okay, what was that all about?” One corner of his lips curled upwards, giving you that sexy smirk he keeps doing, which makes your heartbeat race in an instant. “Ashton wanted to set us up,” He says, pulling me into his chest. “He told me you had this huge crush on me, and he knows that I really like you, so being the genius he was, he set up this whole plot to get the two of us together,” He explain, burying his head into the crook of your neck. You giggled and thanked Ashton in your head over and over, as you nodded, “O-oh, so are you really serious about that d-date tomorrow?” He pulls away for a bit and chuckles, “You don’t want to?” You nodded vigorously, taking it back, “N-no! I just-I was just making sure-” “Relax, of course. You’re my girlfriend now, right?” Your face heated up when he called you his girlfriend, and he laughed again, mumbling something about how cute you looked before connecting his lips with yours.

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