The Stubborn Englishman

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"There's got to be another way to fix him. Something Gideon missed," Sara sighed.

"John used magic to save those kids at the camp. Magic's the only thing that can fix him," Ray responded. I nodded, shifting back into my cat form, my tail flicking.

"And you both really think Nora Darhk is the answer?" Sara asked, skepticism clear in her tone.

"She's the only witch I know," Ray shrugged.

"Can we even find her?" Sara huffed.

"That is the problem. She has a time stone. She could literally be anywhere or any-when. The Bureau can't seem to find her," Ray said.

"You know, when I was a kid, there was this one escaped con that my dad was after. And everyone assumed that he had fled the country. You know where he found him? Not a block from the police precinct," Sara mused.

"Do you really think she's hiding in the Bureau's backyard?" Ray frowned.

"Gideon, do a Nora Darhk facial recognition scan of 2018," Sara ordered.

"I have located a potential match," Gideon said, pulling up CCTV surveillance footage.

"That's her," Ray confirmed.

"Right in the Bureau's backyard," Sara smirked. "Great work, Detective Lance."

Sara picked me up into her arms, and I purred in delight as she stroked my coat.

"Captain, our systems have identified the presence of a new Fugitive. This one is in 1951 Tokyo," Gideon informed us.

"All right, let's divide and conquer. The team and I'll go take care of Tokyo; you both go find our witch and fix our warlock," Sara ordered as she handed me to Ray.

Ray cradled me carefully, determination in his eyes. "Let's go find Nora and save John," he said, heading out with me in tow.


We walked around a fantasy festival, scanning the crowd for any sign of Nora Darhk. According to Gideon, this was her last known location.

"Ooh, look at that Excalibur, Tam Tam," Ray points excitedly at the replica sword.

Meow Cool, I meowed in response, my ears perking up with interest as I looked around the bustling event.

"I had a dream like this once. Maybe more than once," Ray said when we finally spotted Nora, who was serving drinks to customers at a tavern.

"More mead, wench," a man slammed his cup on the bar, clearly enjoying the act of belittling her.

"As you wish," Nora replied, her anger barely concealed behind a forced smile.

"Oh, a thousand pardons," the man said as he blatantly took pictures of Nora's cleavage with his phone.

"A Palmer Tech phone? Great software. Terrible hardware," Ray said, snatching the phone from the man's hand and crushing it effortlessly.

"My phone!" the man yelled, moving to attack Ray. But Ray was faster, pulling out a sword from its sheath and pointing it at him.

"Get ye out of my sight, scoundrel," Ray declared, his voice firm and commanding. Hiss I bared my sharp fangs at the rude human, my fur standing on end. The man backed off in fear and ran out of the tavern.

"What are you doing here?" Nora demanded, smacking Ray on the arm. "We need your help," Ray said, his tone earnest and urgent. "What?" she whispered, her eyes widening in surprise.

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