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someone who believes that no world distinct from God exists.


"No god would harm someone in such a way."


Lucilla Spector, Avatar Of Ptah

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Lucilla Spector, Avatar Of Ptah.
"Marc's solution to his problems is either fleeing or a bullet between the eyes."


"I fell in love with the only friend I made."


Anthony Huffman, The long gone fiancé "You didn't loose me then and you won't loose me now

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Anthony Huffman, The long gone fiancé
"You didn't loose me then and you won't loose me now. I will come back to you Lucy."


"I never said for you to do what you did."


Marc Spector, The annoying mercenary"You're lucky! Okay! Everyone went insane apart from you!"

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Marc Spector, The annoying mercenary
"You're lucky! Okay! Everyone went insane apart from you!"


"It was my favourite show."


Steven Grant, the lovable tour guide"I wished I had siblings and here you are

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Steven Grant, the lovable tour guide
"I wished I had siblings and here you are. I'm sorry we didn't meet sooner."


"You missed a part"


Layla El-Faouly, the reasonable one

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Layla El-Faouly, the reasonable one.
"I know you wanted to restart. I just dragged you back in again just for a stupid document."


"You make me insane."


Ptah, God of craftsmen and the arts

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Ptah, God of craftsmen and the arts.
"The world will become silent. Your head will become crowded once again. That's what you know I'm gone."


And whoever else that appears throughout the book


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