Ch39: Midnight Adventure (2)

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Rossiya: So, what would you like to know?

Me: Hmmm...tell me about yourself.

Rossiya: There's nothing to tell, really.

Me: That can't be true. Tell me about the real you. Even if you don't have any hobbies, there must be something you like.

Her face goes red at that telling me she's thought of something. Seeing my chance, I press her and soon get her talking, albeit not before ordering even more liquor.

Rossiya: Well...

Me: Yes?

She takes the rest of the whiskey that had been left over and puts the entire bottle to her head. Laughing, I lean back in my seat in anticipation of what she's going to say. Whatever it is, it must be quite juicy if she's this hesitant to say it.

Rossiya: I...I like you.


All the whiskey in my mouth goes jetting back into the glass at that. As my lungs attempt to recover from having some go down the wrong path, my brain is hard at work trying to comprehend what my ears just sent its way.

Me: What?

Rossiya: I...I

Me: Why?

Rossiya: I don't know. I just know that ever since I met you, I've been attracted to-

She cuts off as if just realizing she's probably said too much but there's no way I'm going to let her get away now. Having finally recovered, myself, I go on the attack. However, rather than approach her directly I take a much more indirect approach by pouring even more liquor. As we toast and swallow yet another round, I can feel the effects taking hold.

Me: So...

Rossiya: Hmm?

Going from her facial expression, she's definitely drunk. I myself am not drunk as yet and can easily just purge everything from my system whenever I'm ready but if we keep drinking, there's no telling what she'll do and as she's still armed...

Me: How about we head outside for some fresh air.

Rossiya: I- Hic!

Me: I'll take that as a yes.

She tries to stop me but more hiccups come her way forcing her to keep her mouth shut. Laughing, I call for some water as well as something to go before helping her to stand. As she leans on me for support, the scent of liquor is almost suffocating. It's no wonder she's having trouble.

After collecting the water and a bottle of wine, I slowly take us outside. Her feet wobble to and fro but she just about manages to get outside with my support before collapsing onto the closest bench. Sitting beside her, I open the water bottle and place it to her lips.

Me: Drink.

Rossiya: I-

Me: Drink.

She opens her lips and, after some hesitation, drinks the water. It doesn't immediately stop her hiccups but after a few minutes, she's back to normal.

Rossiya: Thank you.

Without responding, I lean back in the bench and stare up at the stars above. The night sky is relatively clear and without much light around us, it is fairly visible to the naked eye. Quite the spectacular sight, though it's not long before the sounds of marching drums reach my ears. The sound brings a smile to my face as it means Roon is taking her job very seriously, if a bit too much. 

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