Ch15: Mother (2)

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As we continue walking away from the crowd, I can't prevent myself from hearing all the whispers about us. There's everything present, ranging from not knowing that Friedrich had a daughter to people making up stories about us actually being in a relationship together. I half want to let go of her hand just to see what she'd do to the latter group but after some thought, I just keep walking.

As we reenter the dorms, it occurs to me that I haven't heard a single word from her since I started pulling her away. Looking behind me, I'm surprised to find her almost in a daze. Thinking something's wrong, I stop and move in to check up close but the minute I'm within arm's length she pulls me into the tightest hug I've ever felt.

It takes some time, and a lot of protesting, to finally get her to let me go and once she does  I don't even bother taking her hand again. Now wary of her, I make certain to keep an eye on her as we continue making our way back to her room but as I reach the door, my stomach starts growling. 

FDG: You must be famished.

Me: I...I am.

She smiles as I fumble over my words but rather than swoop me up into her arms as I expected or perform some other dramatic act, she simply stares for a few seconds before turning away.

FDG: Go on in. I'll be back with something.

After watching her leave, I enter the room to find it just as spacious as I remembered. When I woke up, I never got to really look around apart from the room I was in and the bathroom I found her in but now as I browse its contents, I can't help but notice the modern theme. 

Smiling, I make my way around until I arrive at a picture positioned perfectly against one of the many mini-bookshelves. 

There's another female with her in the picture and going from their outfits and general appearance, I'm inclined to believe she's her sister but if that's the case, why's there only one picture with them together? 

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There's another female with her in the picture and going from their outfits and general appearance, I'm inclined to believe she's her sister but if that's the case, why's there only one picture with them together? 

FDG: That's your aunt, dear.

Spinning around, I find her standing some distance away with food in her hands. I hadn't even heard her enter. Now that I think about it how did she return this quickly and even if it was possible by rushing, it's not like I was going to collapse from hunger so I can't imagine why she'd hasten to return...

Me: What's her name?

FDG: Ulrich von Hutten. Would you like to meet her?

Me: Do I have a choice?

She doesn't answer, instead merely smiling as she sets the food down on the nearby dining table before motioning for me to come over. Sighing, I comply.

======================>Earlier that day<======================

After hearing her precious child had been hungry all this time, it took everything within her not to rush out to get food immediately but Friedrich just about managed to hold on long enough to leave her daughter's sight. The minute she did, however, she made a beeline straight for the canteen. So direct was her approach that she went smashing through walls to get there.

Arriving in the canteen, she didn't so much as give the others a glance or even pretend to join the waiting line. Instead, she kept moving until she was in the kitchen where she herself served a large serving of everything she thought her child would enjoy before leaving just as quickly as she had arrived. The others didn't even get time to react to her intrusion before she was in and out. 

Ulrich, her sister, was present and alongside Bismark even attempted to intervene but blinded by her passion, Friedrich neither saw nor heard them as she moved about and in the end all but trampled them and others who crossed her path as she hastily left the canteen to return before her precious girl fainted.

As she approached the dorms, however, it finally dawned on her that if August spotted the dust on her she'd question it and not wanting to lie to her child she'd be forced to tell her what she'd done. Not wanting to upset her even further, she skidded to a halt and spent the next few seconds dusting off herself quickly before picking up the pace once more, only walking once she'd reached the hallway of the dorm and was but a few paces away from her room door.

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