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????'s POV: 

I can't believe she really had him killed. Are all girls from that timeline this ruthless? In any case, he'd already served his purpose so it isn't much of an issue and won't interfere with our plans though I can see that I was right to keep this world intact.

????: Have you decided what we'll do?

????: We'll simply continue observing for now. There is no particular reason for us to interfere and we've already confirmed that Omega isn't here.

????: Why not move to the next world then?

????: You know why. Besides, even though my sister isn't here it doesn't mean this world doesn't have value.

????: You mean the girl Zero sent over?

????: She's proven rather entertaining, hasn't she?

Rather than respond, she walks over to my console where I'm watching the events of the coronation unfold. The girl in question has just been crowned the world's very first Empress since our arrival and yet if her facial expression is anything to go by, she doesn't seem like she wanted it this quickly. Of course, it was always a part of her plans but...

????: What of our puppet?

????: She killed him. He's useless to us now, anyways.

????: I'm aware but I still had his body retrieved.

I see where this is going...

????: You want to send him back in?

????: You said you wanted entertainment right?

Can't argue there. It would be entertaining to see their reactions to having the Fuehrer return during all of this. However, such would be unfathomable right now in his current state as she'd likely kill him on sight claiming he's an imposter or something, unless...

????: Transfer him into the Model-5 prototype unit.

????: Are you sure?

????: I am. It'll give us the perfect chance to test it while also taking care of what to do with him. However, leave him be. Don't alter his mind in any way.

????: But-

????: Entertainment, remember?

She goes silent but I can tell she understands what I mean so I don't move to explain further. Instead, I merely return to watching the coronation as she leaves the control room. I can't wait to see how she'll react...


Iron Blood Water's
North Sea

????: ...Heil!

What? Where am I and what the hell happened to my voice? More importantly, what the hell am I doing in the middle of the ocean? Wasn't I... never mind that. I'm alive and that's what matters.

Looking down, I find that my appearance is different, far too different to what I'm used to. What's more, I am standing on the water rather than sinking as I'd expect. Wait, is that my reflection?

No, no, no, no! This cannot be happening to me! Where is my manly face? My perfectly aligned moustache! 


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