Chapter 4: an almost plane crash

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Alexis wakes up to the sound of the door opening and closing. Her hand goes to the gun she keeps under her pillow. Sure, that might be dangerous but she doesn't take any chances. She sits up, clicking off the safety on the gun. Her eyes still mostly closed.

"Hands in the air, dumbass."

"Morning sunshines." Sam says. She clicks the safety back on.

"Put the gun down, Lexi. What time is it?" Dean asks. Alexis slides the gun back under her pillow.

"Uh, its about 5:45."

"I'm gonna go back to sleep." Alexis mutters, she had nightmares last night. They weren't as bad as some she's had, but they made her restless.

"In the morning?" Dean asks.

"No, asshole, its 5:45 in the afternoon." Sarcasm drips from Alexis' words.

"Where does the day go? You get any sleep last night?" Dean asks Sam.

"Yeah, I got a couple hours." Sam lies. Alexis rolls her eyes at the younger hunter.

"You liar. Cause I was up at three and you were George Forman infomercials and Lexi had just fell asleep on the couch." Dean says, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Hey, what can I say? Its riveting TV."

"Since when did you turn eighty?" Alexis jokes, smoothing down her hair.

"When's the last time you got a good nights sleep?" Dean asks his little brother.

"I don't know. Its been a while, I guess. Its no big deal."

"Sam, it is a big deal. You can't keep going like this. You need sleep." Alexis says.

"She's right, Sam. It is."

"I appreciate you concern-"

"Oh, I'm not concerned about you. Its your job to keep my ass alive, so I need you sharp." Dean says. "Seriously you still havin' nightmares about Jess?"

Sam walks over and sits on his bed, facing Dean. Alexis moves to sit beside Dean on his bed.

"Yeah, but its not just her. Its everything." Sam hands the other hunters each of coffee. "I just forgot, you know, this job. Man, it gets to you."

"Well, you can't let it. You can't bring it home like that." Dean tells his younger brother.

"So, what, all this ever keeps you up at night?"

"Sometimes." Alexis mutters, truth be told it kept her up a lot. Especially when she was younger, but now its easier.

Dean shakes his head no.

"Never? You're never afraid?" Sam asks.

"No, not really."

Sam scoffs, leaning over and pulling out the knife Dean keeps under his pillow.

"That is not fear." Dean takes the knife. "That is precaution. And I'm not the one who sleeps with a gun under my pillow."

"Alright, whatever, I'm to tired to argue."

"Well, then don't watch infomercials all night long. And I'm prepared, okay." Alexis turns to Dean.

"Prepared to shot whoever walks through the door?" Dean asks.

"You're gonna stab 'em? And a gun is more practical, I don't have to get close to use it. I wouldn't even have to move. You, on the other hand, have to get up and stab them."

Deans phone rings preventing the rest of that argument.


"Dean, its, uh, Jerry Panowski. You, your girlfriend, and your dad helped me a few years back." Jerry says.

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