Chapter 20: Talk to the dead guy

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Alexis rolls her eyes. "I hate my life." She mutters to herself, pulling her eyes away from Dean who was flirting with a girl across the bar.

Sam chuckles a little. "What's wrong?"

"Well, I have come to the conclusion that I have a teeny-tiny little crush on Dean. And it will go away, but until it does, I'm screwed." Alexis had come to that conclusion while on the phone with Mae a few days ago, and in her own words her life had been a living hell ever since.

She was telling Mae how she got sick, which was the cover story for when she died, and how Dean had been taking care of her. Dean rarely ever let her out if his sight. Even now when he was flirting with this woman, he stood where she was still in his line of sight.

Alexis thought it was sweet at first. It still kind of is. But being asked if she felt okay every five seconds made Alexis want to slap him sometimes. Dean follows her everywhere. He would even stand outside of the bathroom, waiting for her. Which bugs the shit out of Alexis. Really, what did he think she was going to drop dead in the bathroom?

"At least you're getting somewhere."

"Why him, though? I mean, out of all the people why him. My life is over. This is the worst thing to ever happen to me."

Sam chuckles. "Don't you think that's a little dramatic?"

"No, I'm being serious, Sam. I have to watch him flirt with all these other women and it makes me want to stab myself. And when I see him in the mornings and I know where he's been I want to throw myself off a cliff. Its too much. But then when he looks at me I just-just forget. Everything. And the way he says my name makes me feel...things. Oh god, I need more alcohol."

Alexis groans, the urge to beat her head against the wall until these thoughts disappeared coming back. Or until she knocks herself out, whichever comes first. Most likely the latter.

"Alex, just tell him."

"No, it'll go away." She pauses, glancing over at him. "I hate this. He's absolutely ruined my life. I hate him. And you know, I know that I'll always be the last choice. Always have been for everything, always will be. But for some reason, this hurts more than anything else. Knowing I'll never have a chance."

"I think Dean feels the same way about you, just tell him and you'll see."

Alexis sighs. "I can't. I've been rejected by practically everyone. Deans my best friends and he didn't leave me to die. At least I have him in my life. Plus, like I said, this'll go away soon. Its just a weird crush. And the universe hating me."

"Well, look at this." Sam hands her a newspaper.

"'Couples throat slashed in own home'?" Alexis reads. "Sounds fun." Alexis huffs when she hears Deans laughter. Sam motions for his brother to come over to them. Alexis doesn't even bother looking back, knowing he wasn't going to listen.

She looks up to see Sam motioning for him again.

"Alex, go get him."

"Why? He won't listen to me."

"Yes, he will. He does whatever you say. You just don't see it."

"That's bullshit."

"What's bullshit?" Dean asks, suddenly beside the two.

"Holy shit." Alexis jumps slightly. Deans arm instantly goes out, wrapping around her waist in case she lost her balance and fell. "Don't scare me like that." She hits his arm.

"Here's a drink." Dean slide the cup he just sat down on the table toward Alexis and pulling his arm away.

"Thanks." She mutters.

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