Chapter 16: I'll get my head ripped off by invisible demons

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Dean and Alexis get out of the car while Sam finishes reading the newspaper.

"God, this is stupid. Why do I have to wear this?" Alexis complains, referring to the outfit Sam made them all wear.

"I know." Dean mumbles, completely agreeing with her.

"Alright, guys. That's the place." Sam says as Dean and Alexis walk toward him after Dean grabs a toolbox from the trunk of the impala.

"You know, I gotta say, Dad, me, and Lexi did just fine without these stupid costumes." Dean says as the three walk toward the building. "I feel like a high school drama dork." The three chuckle. "What was that play you did? That-what was it? Our town." Dean realizes. "Yeah, you were good. It was cute." Dean smiles.

Alexis smiles when Dean says that. "Problem is, none of us are high school drama dorks. At least, not anymore. So, why the outfits?"

"Look, do you two wanna pull this off or not?" Sam asks.

"I'm just sayin', these outfits cost hard earned money, okay?" Dean says.

"And we look really dumb." Alexis adds.

"Right." Dean agrees.

"Whose hard earned money?" Sam asks.

"Ours." Dean states. "You think credit card frauds easy?"


"Thanks for letting us look around." Sam says to the landlady as she unlocks the door and leads the three into the apartment.

"Well, the police said they were done with the place, so..." She trails off. Dean sets a hand on Alexis' back, ushering her forward into the apartment then he closes the door behind him.

"You guys said you're with the alarm company?" The landlady asks as they follow her into the living room. Alexis glances around from the blood soaked carpet to the puddles on the floor.

"That's right." Dean answers.

"Well, no offence, but your alarms about as useful as boobs on a man."

Alexis bites back a laugh, trying to be professional. She clears her throat as Dean glances at her. "Well, that's why we're here." She says.

"See what went wrong, so we can stop it from happening again." Dean adds, walking toward the other end of the room.

"Now, ma'am, you found the body?" Sam asks, also wandering off around the room. Alexis goes the opposite direction, looking for anything that seems odd.


"Right after it happened?" Sam questions.

"No, a few days later. Meredith's work called. She hadn't showed up. I knocked on her door. That's when I noticed...the smell." She explains.

"Were there any windows open?" Alexis asks, turning around and letting the curtain drop back into place. "Any sign of break in?"

"No, windows were locked. Door was bolted. Chain was on the door. We had to cut it just to get in."

"And the alarm was still on?" Dean asks, gesturing around the room.

"Like I said, bang up job your company's doing."

"Mm-hmm. You see any overturned furniture? Broken glass? Signs of struggle?" Dean questions.

"Everything was in perfect condition." She says. "Except Meredith."

"And what condition was Meredith in?" Sam asks, turning around to face the woman.

"Meredith was all over. In pieces. The guy who killed her must have been some kind of wack job. But, I'll tell you one thing, if I didn't know any better I'd say a wild animal did it."

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