Chapter 11: Shit, we're going to jail again

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Alexis wakes up when she feels someone move. She looks up to see Dean stretching. Her head was on his chest and her arm was draped across his torso. What the hell, Alexis thought. She moved away from Dean.

"We-we're fine." Sam says to John through the phone. "Dad, where are you?"

Dean sits up, leaning toward Sam.

"What, why not?" Sam asks.

"Is that dad?" Dean asks. Alexis wasn't really paying attention, she was wondering how the hell she wound up in bed with a shirtless Dean Winchester with his arm wrapped around her. She sat up, clearing her throat and her mind. Or at least trying to.

"You're after it, aren't you?" Sam asks. "The thing that killed mom?"

"A demon? You know for sure?" Sam questions.

"A demon? What's he saying?" Dean asks, pulling on a shirt.

"You know where it is?" Sam pauses. "Let us help....why not?"

"Give me the phone." Dean tells Sam, holding out his hand.

"Name? What names? Wha-" Sam says. "Talk to me. Tell me what's going on."

"Give me the phone." Dean says again. Alexis set a hand on Deans tense shoulder, his muscles relax a little under her touch. After a few more seconds Dean reaches over and grabs the phone from Sam

"Dad, its me. Where are you?" Dean asks. "Yes, sir." A pause. "Yeah, I got a pen." Dean says as Alexis hands him a pen. "What are the names?"


"Alright, so, the names dad gave us. They're all couples?" Sam asks, not taking his eyes off the road.

"Yeah. Three different couples all went missing." Dean replies.

"And they're all from different places? Towns, states?" Alexis asks.

"Mm, that's right, yeah." Dean says. "Washington, New York, Colorado. Each couple took a road trip, cross country. None of 'em arrived at their destination or were ever heard from again."

"Well, its a big country, they could be anywhere." Sam says.

"Yeah, they could be. But each one's route took them through the same part of Indiana. Always on the second week of April, one year after another, after another." Dean counters.

"This is the second week of April." Alexis realizes.

"Yep." Dean says.

"So, dad is sending us to Indiana to go hunting for something before another couple vanishes." Sam says.

"Yahtzee." Dean says. "Can you imagine putting together a pattern like this? I mean, the different obits dad had to go through? The man's a master."

Sam pulls over, parking the car causing Dean to look over at him. "What are you doing?" He asks.

"We're not going to Indiana." Sam says.

"We're not?" Dean asks.

"Why?" Alexis adds.

"No, we're going to California. Dad called from a pay phone with a Sacramento area code."

"Sam." Dean starts.

"Dean, if this demon killed mom and Jess, and dads closing in, we gotta be there. We gotta help." Sam says.

"Dad doesn't want our help." Dean argues.

"But I don't care." Sam retaliates.

"He's given us an order." Dean tells Sam. Alexis sighs, leaning back in her seat.

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