Chapter 19: I look like death

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Alexis groans as she wakes up. Her head throbs and her chest hurt. She sits up, glancing at the clock. 12:00pm, the blue blinking light made her eyes burn.

"What the hell?" She says to herself. She never sleeps that late, even when she hadn't got much sleep and would end up sleeping for hours. She stands up and when she does her stomach turns and the stabbing pain in her chest got worse. Alexis shakes off the weird feeling she got and headed toward the bathroom.


After showering and getting dressed Alexis walks over to the Winchester's motel room. Alexis coughs, much like she has all morning; she clears her throat.

"Hey, nice of you to join us." Dean laughs as she walks in the room. "You meet somebody at the bar?" He asks, a weird edge creeping into his voice.

"No, I didn't even go to the bar last night. I felt weird so I just went to bed."

"Lexi, you okay?" Dean stands up, walking to her.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm good." She says right before she's thrown into another coughing fit. She clears her throat.

"Are you sure your not getting sick?" Sam asks.

"What? No. I don't get sick."

Dean presses his hand to her forehead, checking for a fever. "I don't think you've got a fever."

"See, I'm not sick." Alexis bites her lip as pain flares through her chest before dulling back down to the tolerable constant pain. "So, you two find a case or...?" She asks, sitting down.

"No, not yet, but we're looking." Sam answers.


After hours of searching for a case and coming up with nothing Dean stands up. "I'm gonna go get food. Lexi, you want anything?"

Alexis glances up at Dean, her tired eyes not focusing for a second. "No, I'm good. Not very hungry."

Dean looks at her confused, she never passes up a chance at getting food. He nods his head, something was wrong. It wasn't just because she wasn't going to get food, Dean knew. His gut told him something was wrong. "Alright, well, call me if you need anything." Dean sets a hand on her shoulder, giving her a smile.

Alexis nods her head. "Yeah, I will."

Alexis sighs when the door closes and the boys aren't in the room anymore. She had been trying to act like she was fine so they wouldn't worry, but truth is, she feels terrible. Her head felt as if it might explode. The stabbing pain in her chest only worsened, occasionally flaring up and becoming even worse.

The words on the screen of her laptop would get jumbled and make new, different sentences that made no sense. They would even turn into weird symbols Alexis had never seen anywhere before.

Alexis stood up, taking a deep breath and waiting for the dizziness to fade. Alexis peels off her shirt that was sticking to her because of how much she was sweating, leaving her in the tank top she had on underneath. She stumbles to the bathroom sink.

Alexis meets her own hazel eyes in the mirror. "I look like shit." She mutters. She was pale, the dark spots under her eyes were prominent. Her face seemed a little sunken in.

She lifts her hand from the side of the sink to turn it on. She furrows her eyebrows, noticing how violent her hands shook. Alexis cups her hands, leaning down to the sink. She splashes cold water on her face, cooling her down slightly.

Alexis closes her eye, groaning as another sharp, stabbing pain fill her chest before slowly sinking into her stomach. A tear slips down her cheek as the pain worsens. Then it fades back to the regular pain.

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