Chapter 14: Sorry 'bout that

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Alexis blinks, her eyes adjusting to the darkness as she wakes up. She rolls over, fully intending to go back to sleep, but she sees Dean. She sighs, she must've feel asleep before she could go back to her own motel room. The last thing she remembers is sitting beside Dean as they talked about what she had read in her mothers journal. Dean has been hesitant to let her out of his sight since the whole ordeal with her leaving.

He wouldn't admit it but he was scared she was going to leave the second he looks away. So any excuse he got to keep her close he jumps at. He did that before but it was more frequent now. He would come up with some reason as to why she should go with him or why she should stay in the same motel room as him and Sam.

Sam would constantly make fun of him for it whenever he could. Alexis didn't really give it much thought. To be honest she didn't really notice it. Sometimes she could see it but others it was normal.

She sits up, getting ready to leave when she hears Sam say, "Dean." As he turns on the lamp. "Dean." He repeats, grabbing his arms and shaking it.

"Sam? What the hell?" Alexis asks.

"What are you doing, man. Its the middle of the night." Dean says as Sam rushes around the room, packing his bag.

"We have to go." Sam states as Dean sits up.

"What's happening?" Dean asks.

It hit Alexis what this was about. "Not again." She mumbles, flopping back down on the bed beside Dean.

"We have to go. Right now." Sam grabs the keys from the table and walks out the door.


"McReady. Detective McReady. Badge number 1-5-8. I've got a signal 480 in progress. I need the registered owner of a two door sedan. Michigan license plate. Mary-Frank-six-zero-three-seven. Yeah, okay, just hurry." Sam says as the three of them drive through the darkness.

"Sammy, relax." Dean tells him. "I'm sure its just a nightmare."

"Yeah, tell me about it." Sam replies.

"I mean it, you know? A-a normal everyday naked in class nightmare." Dean continues.

"Dean, I think it might be a little more serious than that. Just a tad." Alexis says.

"This license plate, it won't check out. You'll see." Dean glances at Sam.

"It felt different, Dean. Real. Like when I dreamt about our old house and Jessica." Sam explains.

"Yeah, okay, that makes sense. Dreaming about our house. Your girlfriend. This guy in your dream, you ever seen him before?" Dean asks.

"No." Sam admits.

"No. Exactly. Why would you have premonitions about some random dude in Michigan?"

"I don't know." Sam says.

"Me neither."

"Yes, I'm here." Sam says, tuning his attention back to the person on the phone. "Jim Miller. Saginaw, Michigan. You have a street address?" He pauses. Dean briefly meets Alexis' eyes in the rear view mirror. "Got it, thanks." Sam hangs up the phone.

Sam sighs, looking straight ahead. "Checks out. How far are we?"

"From Saginaw?" Dean questions.


"Couple hours."

"Drive faster."


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