Chapter 7: If I could I would fire you

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Sam walks back to the table where Dean and Alexis sat, looking at the laptop.

"Your, uh, half calf double vanilla latte is getting cold over here, Francis." Dean says causing Alexis to chuckle.

"Bite me." Sam sits down.

"So anything?" Dean asks, leaning forward.

"I had 'em check the FBI's missing persons data base. No John Doe's fitting dad's description. I even ran his plates for traffic violations."

"Sam, I'm telling you, I don't this dad wants to be found." Dean tells him.

"Check this out. We found something." Alexis says, sliding the laptop toward Sam. "Well, I found something. You hardly did anything." Alexis smiles at Dean. She was only joking and Dean knew that.

"That's bullshit-" Dean starts.

"Guy's. What'd you find?" Sam interrupts them. They break eye contact and look at Sam.

"Its this news item out of Plains Courier, Ankey, Iowa. Its only a hundred miles from here." Dean explains.

"'The mutilated body was found near the victims car, parked on nine mile road.'" Sam reads.

"Keep reading." Alexis says, resting her feet on Deans lap under that table.

"'Authorities are unable to provide a realistic description of the killer. The sole eye witness, who's name has been withheld is quoted as saying the attacker was invisible.'"

"Could be somethin' interesting." Dean says.

"Or nothing at all." Sam counters. "A freaked out witness who didn't see anything doesn't mean the invisible man."

"But what if it is something?" Alexis says.

"Dad would check it out." Dean tells Sam.


The car comes to a stop right outside of a fraternity house. Sam, Dean, and Alexis get out and walk up to a group of guys working on a truck.

"One more time why are we here?" Sam whispers to Dean before they get close enough for anyone to hear.

"Good question." Alexis mutters.

"The victim lived here." Dean answers.

"Nice wheels." Dean says to the group of guys working on the truck. "We're your fraternity brothers from Ohio. We're new in town, transfers. Looking for a place to stay."

"And who would this be?" One of the guys asks, walking closer to Alexis.

"I'm Alexis-"

"My girlfriend. She's here to help us move." Dean lies, slipping an arm around her waist and pulling her into his side. Dean didn't know why he said that. Sam almost laughs.


Sam, Dean, and Alexis walk to in the doorway of a room to see a shirtless guy, painting himself purple.

"Oh, good god." Alexis mumbles, Dean squeezes her hand. He knocks on the door causing the guy to turn around.

"Who are you?" He asks.

"We're your new roommates." Dean says.

"And the chick?"

"My girlfriend." Dean states.

The three of them of them walk further into the room.

"Then do me a favor and get my back. Big game today." He asks, holding out the paint brush.

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