Chapter 23: Don't call me their pet

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"Where is he?" Dean asks. He hangs up the phone, his hands shaking. "They've got dad."

"Meg?" Alexis moves toward Dean, reaching out and setting a hand on his shoulder. Dean nods his head.

"What'd she say?" Sam questions, anger evident in his voice.

"I just told you, Sammy." Dean pauses, running a hand over his face. "Okay. Okay." Dean grabs the colt off of the table before grabbing the duffel bag.

"What are you doing?" Alexis asks, watching Dean rush around the room.

"We gotta go."

"Why?" Sam asks.

"Cause the demon knows we're in Salvation. Alright, it know we've got the colt. Its got Dad. Its probably coming for us too." Dean pulls on his jacket.

"Good. We've still got three bullets left. Let it come."

"Listen, tough guy, we're not ready."

"Deans right. We've lost the element of surprise, it knows we're here. It'll know that we would try to kill it if it comes after us. Its probably sending more demons after us now." Alexis slips on her coat, grabbing her bag.

"She's right." Dean yells. "We don't know how many of 'em are out there. Now, we're no good to anybody dead. We're leaving. Now."


"I'm telling you, Dean. We could've taken them." Sam states as they speed down the road.

"What we need is a plan. They're probably keeping dad alive. Just gotta figure out where. They'll wanna trade him for the gun." Dean glances over at his brother. "What?"

"Dean, if that were true...why didn't Meg mention a trade? Dad. He might be--"


"I don't wanna believe it anymore than you do, but if he is, all the more reason to kill this damn thing. We still have the colt. We can still finish the job."

"Screw the job, Sam."

"I'm just trying to do what he would want."

"Would you quit talkin' about him like he's dead already."

"Everybody shut the fuck up!" Alexis yells at the two in the front seat. All this arguing wasn't helping with the overwhelming feeling of dread. "I can't hear myself think. Now, calm the hell down. Neither one of you are thinking straight. No one's dead, no one's dying. Get your shit together so we can come up with a plan and figure out where the hell John is."

Dean sighs. "Lexi's right. But everything stops until we get him back. You understand me? Everything."

Sam takes a deep breath. "So how do we find him?"

"We go to Lincoln. We start at the warehouse where he was taken."

"Come on, Dean. You really think these demons are gonna leave a trail?"

"You're right." Dean says. "We need help."


"Here you go." Bobby offers Dean and Alexis two flasks which they accepts. Alexis looks around the living room, the place was just as big of a mess as the last time she was here, if not more.

"What is this? Holy Water?" Dean asks.

"Those two are. This one's whiskey." Bobby holds up the one in his hand.

"Wanna trade?" Alexis jokes, stuffing her flask of holy water in her coat pocket.

"Nah." Bobby answers, taking a sip. Alexis and Bobby were good friends, he was one of the only hunters who actually gave her a genuine chance. Alexis might even go as far as saying Bobby was a father figure for her. Of course she had only know him as long as she's known the Winchester, but the amount of time didn't matter. Bobby then hands the flask to Alexis, who gladly accepts it. She takes a swallow, but then Dean takes it.

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