Chapter 5: I'll fight anyone who disagrees

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Dean and Alexis sat in the impala, having a quiet conversation as Sam slept in the passenger seat. Alexis glanced over to see him twitch and squirm.

"Dean, he's having a nightmare." She says. "Wake him up."

"Sam, wake up." Dean slaps Sams shoulder. He sits up, gasping.

"I take it I was having another nightmare." Sam says.

"Yeah, another one." Dean nods.

"Hey, at least I got some sleep."

"I don't count that as sleep." Alexis glances at Sam. She was worried about him. He was like a brother to her.

"You know, sooner or later we're gonna have to talk about this." Dean says.

"You've been hanging around Alex to much." Sam mumbles to himself. "We're here?"

"I heard that, Sam." Alexis rolls her eyes at him.

"Yeah, welcome to Toledo, Idaho." Dean says.

"Don't you just love coming to a new town to investigate a weird death?" Alexis asks, leaning against the front seat as Sam pulls out a newspaper.

"Yeah, it awesome." Dean replies.

"So, what do you guys really think happened here?" Sam asks.

"That's what we're gonna find out." Dean says, turning around in his seat so he can put Johns journal in the backseat. "Lets go." He continues as he gets out of the car.

"So, not only do you stuff me back there but you wanna just put all your junk back there too?" Alexis jokingly asks.

"Its my car." Dean glances at her.

"You say that like its the answer to everything." Alexis raises her eyebrows.

"Well, darlin', its the answer to this." He looks at her, smiling. Alexis smiles back, rolling her eyes.


Sam, Dean, and Alexis walk into a office, they pass a desk and the name on the plaque read 'Dr. D. Feiklowicz'.

"Hey." The man at the other desk says when he sees the three of them.

"Hey." Dean replies.

"Can I help you?"

"Yeah, we're the med students."


"Oh, Dr. Feiklowicz didn't tell you? We talked to him on the phone. We're from Ohio State. He was supposed to show us the Shoemaker corpse." Alexis lies.

"Its for our paper." Dean adds.

"Well, sorry, he's at lunch." The man says.

"Oh, well, he said, ah, well it doesn't matter. You don't mind showing us the body, do you?" Dean asks.

"Sorry, I can't, doc will be back in an hour. You can wait for him if you want."

"An hour? Oh, we gotta be back at Columbus by then." Dean says. "Look man, this paper is half our grade. So, if you don't mind helping us out-"

"Look man, no." The man behind the desk says, cutting Dean off.

"I'm gonna hit him in the face, I swear." Dean mumbles, turning around. Sam pats Dean on the shoulder.

"Move, I got this." Alexis pushes past Sam and Dean. As she passed Dean she reached into his pocket and grabbed his wallet.

Alexis puts on a sweet smile, A very fake one too. She pulls out a few twenties from the wallet as she leans against the table.

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