Chapter 17: I love burning thing's down

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Alexis looks up from her mother's journal to see Dean sticking a plastic spoon in Sam's mouth. Alexis chuckles a little, closing the book and setting it aside. Dean grabs his phone before turning back to his sleeping brother to take a picture.

Dean laughs quietly, going to turn up the music. "Wait, wait, hold on." Alexis whispers to him. She pulls out her Polaroid camera, she takes the picture. "Okay, go ahead."

Dean smiles, turning up the song. He and Alexis start singing along to 'Fire of unknown origin' by blue oyster cult. Sam jumps awake, swatting at the spoon.

"Ha ha. Very funny." Sam says as Dean and Alexis laugh.

"Sorry. Not a lot of scenery here in east Texas." Dean chuckles. "Kinda gotta make your own."

"Man, we're not kids any more, Dean. We're not gonna start that crap up again."

"Oh, come on. Its funny." Alexis continues, shaking the picture in her hand, waiting for it to develop.

"Start what up?" Dean asks, looking over at Sam.

"That prank stuff. Its stupid and it always escalates." Sam snaps.

"Aww, what's the matter, Sammy? You afraid you're gonna get a little Nair in your shampoo again, huh?" Dean says.

"Alright, just remember you started it." Sam replies.

"Oh-oh, bring it on, baldy." Dean laughs.

"Just keep me outta it." Alexis tells them.

"If you do get involved you'll help me, right?" Dean glances at her in the rear view mirror.

"Put a spider in my bed again and no."

"Lexi, I'm telling you, I didn't put the spider in your bed."

Sam chuckles nervously, "Alex, Deans not lying. I put the spider in your bed."

"What the hell?" Alexis looks at him.

"It was after you dragged me and Dean to see IT. I wanted to get back at you."

"I hope you know I will get you back one day." Alexis turns to Dean. "Sorry for blaming you all this time."

"Its fine. I'm a little offended that you think I'd do that to you, but I have a feeling you'll help me now. So..." Dean shrugs.

"Where are we?" Sam asks.

"A few hours outside of Richardson." Dean says. "Gimme the lowdown again."

"Alright, about a month or two ago, this group of kids goes poking around in this local haunted house-"

"So, either they're stupid or they've never seen a horror movie. Or both." Alexis interrupts.

"Haunted by what?" Dean asks.

"Apparently, by a pretty misogynistic spirit. Legend goes, it takes girls and strings 'em up in the rafters." Sam explains.

"Well, I'm screwed." Alexis mutters in a joking matter.

"Anyway, this group of kids see this dead girl hanging in the basement."

"Anybody ID the body?" Alexis asks, leaning against the front seat.

"Well, that's the thing, by time the cops got there the body was gone." Sam tells the two. "So, cops are sayin' the kids are just yanking chains."

"Well, maybe the cops are right." Dean shrugs.

"Maybe, but I read a couple of the kids first hand accounts. They seemed pretty sincere."

"Where'd you read these accounts?" Dean asks.

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