Chapter 2: as long as the bears don't try to kill me

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After a week of investigating Jessica's death Sam, Dean, and Alexis decided not head to Blackwater ridge, Colorado. The place John had left them coordinates to. Alexis looks up form her sketch book when Sam jumps awake. Another nightmare.

"You okay?" Dean asks Sam.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Sam replies.

"You sure?" Alexis asks, leaning forward and setting a hand on Sam's shoulder. Alexis couldn't even begin to understand what Sam was feeling. He lost the love of this life; she tries to imagine what that would be like. For some reason losing Dean was what came to her. Just the thought made her chest feel hallow. Not that Deans the love of my life, she tells herself. She just really cares about him.

"Yeah." Sam mumbles. Alexis squeezes his shoulder, giving him a sad smile. She closes her sketch book, she'll finish that drawing later.

"Another nightmare?" Dean asks. Sam doesn't answer, he just clears his throat. Sam didn't need to say anything, Dean and Alexis already knew.

"You wanna drive for a while?" Dean asks his little brother. Alexis smiles, Dean never lets anybody drive his car.

"Dean, never in my life have you asked me that." Sam looks at Dean.

"I thought you might want to, never mind." Dean shrugs his shoulders.

"Well, if Sam won't except your, oh so kind, offer I will." Alexis leans against the front seat.

"Yeah, no."

"That's mean." Alexis mumbles.

"Look, man, I get it, you two are worried about me, and thank you, but I'm perfectly fine." Sam says. Alexis rolls her eyes at the younger hunter. Did he think they were stupid? Dean hums in response.

"Alright, where are we?" Sam asks, grabbing the map and changing the subject.

"We are just outside of grand junction." Dean says.

Sam takes a deep breath as he stares at the map. "You know, maybe we should've stuck around Stanford a little longer."

"Sam, we were there for a week. We couldn't find anything." Alexis says.

"If you wanna find the thing that killed Jessica-" Dean starts.

"Then we gotta find dad first." Sam finishes.

"Dad disappearing and this thing showing up after twenty years, its no coincidence. Dad will have answers, he'll know what to do."

"Its weird, man," Sam starts. "These coordinates he left us. This Blackwater ridge."

"What about it?" Alexis asks. It sounded harmless enough.

"There's nothing there. Its just woods." Sam answers.

"Yeah, that's probably a red flag."

"Whys he sending us to the middle of nowhere?" Sam asks.

"Who knows, its John." Alexis mumbles the last part.


"So, Blackwater ridge is pretty remote. Its cut if by canyons here. Rough terrain. Dense forest. Abandoned silver and gold mines all over the place." Sam explains as they stand in the park ranger station. Sam and Alexis stood at the map while Dean stared at a picture of a bear that hung on the wall.

"Dude, check out the size of the friggin' bear." Dean says. Sam and Alexis walk over to Dean and look at the picture. She stood beside him, she came up to his shoulder.

"And about a dozen or more grizzlies in the area," Sam continues. "Its no nature hike, that's for sure."

"As long as the bears don't try to kill me, I'm good." Alexis mumbles.

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