Chapter 12: I've killed people

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"What do you got those amped up to?" Sam asks Dean as he hands him a taser like gun.

"A hundred thousand bolts."

"Damn." Alexis says as he hands her one too.

"Yeah, I want this rawhead extra freaking crispy." Dean says. "Now remember you only get one shot with these things. So, make it count." Dean closes the trunk.


The three of them walk down the steps into the basement. The sinking feeling continues to grow in Alexis' gut, just like it has since yesterday night.

Sam, Dean, and Alexis walk toward a wardrobe after looking around for a second.

"On three." Dean whispers as they stand there. "One....two.....three." Dean opens the door. Two little kids sit there, hands over their ears with terrified look on their faces.

"Is it still here?" Dean asks as they all kneel down to the children. The boy nods his head. "Okay, grab your sisters hand. We're gonna get you outta here. Lets go. Go. Go."

Sam follows the two kids up the steps as Dean and Alexis cover them. While Sam was walking up the steps something grabs his foot, pulling him down.

"Sam!" Dean and Alexis yell. The two move to stand beside the steps to try and get a shot at the thing. Dean shots and the monsters growls in pain.

"Sam, get 'em outta here." Dean yells as he and Alexis run toward the creature.

"You take this." Sam throws him the taser gun before turning and running up the steps. Dean and Alexis take off in different directions.

Alexis walks around a pile of old junk, her hands shook as she tried to stay conscious. A thud from across the room makes her jump, she turns around heading in that direction.

She walks around the steps just in time to see Dean shoot at the thing. "Dean! No!" She yells, noticing the water surrounding him. Her heart dropped as she saw what happened. She was too late. The creature fell to the floor as she ran toward Dean.

"No, no, no, no. Dean, wake up." She begs, tears filling her eyes as she kneels to the ground and pulls him to her. "Sam! Help!" She yells. "No, Dean. Come on, wake up."

"Dean!" Sam hollers as he runs toward them. "Dean. Hey, Dean." Sam tries to wake him up.


"Sir, I'm so sorry to ask." The nurse at the front desk tells Sam. Alexis barley heard it as she sat on the floor beside Deans room with her knees pulled up to her chest. "There isn't any insurance on file."

"Right, oh, um..." Sam pulls a card out from his wallet and hands it to the woman.

"Okay, Mr. Burkowitz."

Sam turns back to the police officers that were waiting for him.

"Look, um, we can finish this later?" One of them says.

"No, its okay. We were just taking a shortcut through the neighborhood, um, our windows were rolled down and we heard some screaming when we drove past. And we stopped. Ran in." Sam lies.

"And you found the kids in the basement?"


"Thank god you did."

"Excuse me." Sam says when he sees the doctor walking toward them.

"Hey, doc. Is he...?" Sam asks.

"He's resting." The doctor says. "The electrocution triggered a heart attack. Pretty massive, I'm afraid . His heart, its damaged."

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