Chapter 21

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I'm back in the wasteland.

The cold doesn't cut as deeply into my bones as I again walk around blindly. The snow is heavy underfoot while I trudge through it. The snow around my feet gives way and slides up my thighs.

I reach out wildly, trying to grasp at anything that'll stop my descent underground. A familiar set of heavy stomps pounded towards me. My hands still search until they meet the monster's snout that saved me from death last time.

This time it doesn't pick me up in its mouth. Instead, a large, mighty hand encases my body and lifts me from the snow. Again its wings unfurl, and we soar into the sky. I watch in awe the sights around me as we pass the same sets of forests again. Only this time, however, we altogether avoid the Witherland.

I see Petra amongst the red trees whose scent is like vanilla before we even land. Her form grows in size as we make the descent. I hadn't noticed last time, but the closer we got to the earth in this area, the warmer it became.

The creature releases me from its grip, and my feet plant on the dirt. Petra moves a curl from her face as she smiles.

"I caught you at the perfect time," she says. "Welcome back."

"Who are you?" I ask. I tug nervously at the dress I'm wearing. "Arden says his mom didn't have a sister."

Her arms cross over her chest, and she nods sadly. "I was to be kept a secret. In our kingdom, twins were considered a threat. So to protect the both of us, one had to be concealed."

I take in that revelation as she approaches me. Her hand presses into my upper chest, and her eyes flit shut. She takes a deep breath. Then, after a few seconds of waiting, she exhales, and her eyes open. "You have access to the Blue Light. But your powers are entrapped by your human side. Only making The Connection with an Antikan can release your bonds quickly."

"The Connection?" I ask. "Why will that help? And how do I make it?"

"The Connection, very simply put, makes you one with your partner. When newly made, you will feel all they are feeling and barely able to differentiate your person from there's. You'll be connected to them in body and soul, including in areas of strength. If they're powerful with the Blue Light and you have the gene for it, which you do, then you too become powerful."

Her words sink in as she examines my body and then my eyes. "Oh, honey, they didn't look like this yesterday. That shade looks lovely on you."


"Your eyes are the most beautiful shade of purple," she says.

I laugh a little and say, "Huh? My eyes are brown."

"Not anymore," she says with a grin. "But that's for you to see when you wake up tomorrow. So come. We have much to discuss now."

She leads the way towards a tree that stands above a table with two small stumps for seats. She sits and motions for me to sit across from her. I obey, gingerly planting myself down.

"Now, Jade," she starts, pouring out a brown liquid from a teapot I hadn't noticed. The piping hot liquid pours into a small China cup that she slides over to me. "I've wanted revenge on Mercury the minute he destroyed the Connection between my sister and me. It's a wave of anger I've never felt before in my life." She takes a sip from her cup and lets out a shaky sigh. I take that as a signal to try my own, the liquid stinging as it goes down—not because it's too hot... it's burning like alcohol.

"The thing is, although I have an army to my name, it's not enough to defeat Mercury." She grabs my wrist and then reaches for my temple. I flinch, and she gives me a gentle smile. "Relax. I'd never want to hurt you." I reluctantly let her fingers meet my temple and close my eyes. A strange sensation floods my mind and tickles my brain.

Can you hear me? her voice echoes through my skull.

Yes, I respond.

"I have connected our minds," she says. "Almost like what Arden has done, except I'm not as strong as he. I can only connect with your mind if you call for me from now on. The upside to this is it's less invasive to you. When Arden's army goes against Mercury's, call out to me. We will be there to fight by his side."

"Do you need time? I know that Arden already sent his declaration of war out to Mercury."

"It'll be a while before the war begins. There's much to be negotiated, and unlike your world, it's all done through letters instead of technology."

"Seems they would've advanced that by now."

"War is not something we like to speed up on Antika."

"Fair enough," I whisper.

She pats my hand and then clasps hers together, resting them on the table. "There's something else."

I watch as she pulls out a bracelet. It's a thin gold chain that she clips together on my wrist. It has a golden purple gem at the center and shines brightly when the sun hits it. "This will protect you when the time comes. You will see it on you when you wake, but no one else will take notice. That is my gift to you."

I admire the beautiful gift and flash her a grateful smile. "Thank you."

"Of course. The last thing we have to discuss before you awake is Arden. He is not ready to know his mom has a sibling."

"Oh, I almost gave you away the other day," I say, embarrassed.

"It's all right," she says calmly. "He's hard-headed. It won't be something he'd believe easily regardless. Just don't continue filling his head with those ideas."

"I won't."

"Good. I'm excited about your journey. The Blue Light has opened a new chapter in your life. Wake up now, Jade."

The Girl of Many Worlds | (Story formerly known as "Multiworldcial")Where stories live. Discover now