Chapter 29

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After Camilla bathed me the following day, I ate breakfast with Arden and his servants again. This time, they were much more lively as they chatted amongst themselves.

The silence between me and Arden felt a lot more intentional and painful. It wasn't like we were close by any means, but I did think that many things occurred to at least melt the tension between us. Now it appeared to be back, and there wasn't anything I could do about it.

"Honey, your food is getting cold," Camilla whispered next to me. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," I said honestly. "A little distracted." I peered over at Arden, who glanced back at me for a moment before fixating his gaze on his eggs and bacon.

"Is Arden working you hard?" she asked. "You know, he does mean well." Her slightly wrinkled hands rested over mine comfortingly.

I whispered, "I think I offended him."

"How so, hun?"

"We were talking about the connection and–"

Enough, you two, Arden said. We both straightened and returned to eating in silence. Jade, seeing as you have no appetite, please excuse yourself and make your way to the simulation room.

I cleared my throat and mumbled a soft "Excuse me" before exiting the room. I made my way down the hall, past my room, and eventually made it to the dark doors of the simulation room. Before I entered, Arden's hand clasped around my wrist and spun me around to face him.

His stare was unwavering as we locked eyes. I wanted to say something, and it looked like he did, too, but we didn't know what to sputter out.

Arden, did I do something wrong?

He finally let out a strangled sigh. No. Not at all. I'm sorry I sent you out like that.

"It's okay," I said aloud.

He gently released me and led the way inside, my head swimming amongst confusing thoughts.

Zander bowed and greeted me with a cheerful, "Good morning!"

"Good morning, Zander. How's Maya?"

"She's wonderful, Princess. She would love it if you came down for a visit."

"Please enter the simulation room, Jade," Arden interrupted. Zander and I exchanged a confused glance before I gingerly made my way down the iron door.

"What I saw yesterday impressed me," Arden said. "I would like to see you enact this again, except in a different situation."

The smell in the air went from stale and earthy to musky and dead. I took in my surroundings, seeing that I was alone in a room with a very tall throne in the center. I usually pictured thrones being ordained in gold and sparkly, but this one was very different.

The tall arched windows lining the wall provided very little light, which made it hard to really figure out what the material was that I was looking at. It was smooth and cool in some places and rubbery and taught in others.

"It's skin," Mercury whispered.

A scream caught in my throat as I spun around. He stood closely, wearing a moody expression. A fizzling blue light dagger rose up to my face and gently traced my cheeks.

"It's your grandfather's," he said with a sickening smile. I hadn't realized I started tearing until the blade sizzled with each drop and trail it met. A fresh lump of tears lodged in my throat while I trembled.

"W-why did you put his s-s-skin on your throne?"

"As a reminder of who I never want to be," Mercury said. "A weakling. A pathetic excuse of an Antikan. That's not who we are, Jade."

"We?" I could barely whisper.

"Yes," he said. "You are my wife."

"But you killed my grandfather, your father, and you're my... my uncle. Why do you want this for us?"

"It's very simple, Jade," he said, his voice getting low. "I have a conquest. A desire for control. And I'm not hiding it. With the power within you, I will be able to level an army within minutes. You serve a purpose greater than yourself, my dear. And with my power and yours combined, our kids will be legendary. We will build ourselves a never-ending dynasty."

"Children?" I exclaimed.

"Yes, Jade. A warrior and a mother is what you were destined to be. I'll make a real Antikan woman out of you."

My breakfast came spilling out onto the carpeted floor. He looked at me in disgust before shouting, "Hilda! Come clean this mess up."

He returned his gaze to me. "We're married now, Jade. I'm sure you know what that means."

He grabbed me by the wrist and started pulling me out of the throne room. My eyes widened.

"No, no, no, Arden, stop the simulation!"

"You're in no simulation, Jade. Arden fought the battle but couldn't win the war. There's no one to help you now." He paused and looked back at me with a meaning-filled smile. "You can't fight this."

Terror seized me, and I began screaming. Unphased, he continued to pull me through the halls without struggle. I clawed and bit his hand, and it made no difference. I tried doing the stupid breathing technique, but it helped nothing.

Where were my powers? Why couldn't I stop this?

"Arden, end it, please! Please, Arden, I can't do it!"

Mercifully, right as Mercury opened the door to the bedroom, the simulation abruptly ended. I fell to the floor in a heap, tears pouring out of me in bucketloads.

"Jade, you have to get up. I know this training is hard, but it's your reality now. If you're in that situation, I want you to be able to fight." I continued to cry as I heard Arden sigh. "This isn't to hurt you, Jade. This is for your own good."

"I thought you were going to win the war," I sobbed.

"I can't guarantee anything. All I know is this is necessary. You must get up."

I wasn't given a chance before he sent me right back into the action.

The Girl of Many Worlds | (Story formerly known as "Multiworldcial")Where stories live. Discover now