Chapter 22

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"Jade," Arden whispered. My eyes snapped open and I let out a wild gasp. I flailed off the bed, and into the vice-like embrace of Arden's arms. "Calm, Princess, calm. It's okay, now. The Awakening is over. Your body has adjusted."

My hyperventilating slowed to steady breaths and my heart ceased the marathon it was running. "Arden... I was so scared."

"I know. You're okay now. I promise."

I nodded and pressed my head into his chest momentarily. I gathered my thoughts back together as he took a step away from me. I looked up to his eyes, which scanned my entire figure. They finally landed on my eyes and widened. "Oh. Your eyes are purple now."

I attempted to get a glance at them through the shattered mirror. They reflected back through the shards. It wasn't clear but it was certainly there—I had purple eyes.

"The Blue Light did this?" I asked with awe.

"Yeah," he said. "The Blue Light changes some things about you. I think naturally this would've been your eye color if you were born on Antika. Let's go." He walked out the room with me in tow. We walked towards the dining room. The slightest amount of noise shot flares of pain through my skull. As it did, I winced and closed my eyes.

"Are you okay?" Arden asked.

"Yes... my head is hurting... slightly. Nothing big."

He placed his hand on the small of my back and gently led me forward. I winced again as a servant began sweeping the floor. Each sweep sent pain flooding through my body. He patiently waited for me to compose myself as he commanded, "Please sweep upstairs first, Cecilia."

"Yes, my King," she said before her footsteps scurried away.

"What's wrong with me?" I whispered.

"Your body is still healing. You will be okay soon."

His hand clasped around my wrist, the warmth of it flooding into my bones. My feet followed as he guided me to my room. Momentarily, the pain subsided and I felt light.

We entered and before us lay a table that straddled the bed with various breakfast items set out on it. Arden released my wrist and the pain surged back. I winced again as he gently sat me down and placed my legs on the bed. He pulled the table over my lap as I glanced up at him through the half-closed eyes.

"Take your time as you eat," he ordered. "You are allowed to rest today. Your body has been through a lot."

He placed his hand on my forehead and smiled approvingly. "No fever. That's a great sign." He turned to walk away but glanced over my face. An emotion wavered through his eyes. He sighed and grabbed one of the loveseats nearest to him, pulling up a seat by my feet. His hand reached out and clasped my ankle.

Again, warmth encased my body and the pain fizzled away. Gingerly, I began to tear into the flavor filled food. As I ate, Arden would glance at me attentively before looking away. I wonder if he feels the need to make sure I'm okay out of obligation to my father?

The minute I finished my food, his hand remained on my leg. I expected him to leave, but he stayed. I looked at him expectantly and he said, "I could leave, but I'm giving your stomach a second to settle. The pain you experience for a while may nauseate you."

I was filled with appreciation for his attentiveness. "Thanks."

His eyebrows raised. "For what?"

"For helping me this way."

"Genuine decency should not be something you need to thank," he said. "That's something you are owed."

"Not on Earth."

"I'm well aware."

My eyes grew heavy after he finished his sentence. Whoa... what just happened? My thoughts ceased to flow as I drifted off into a deep sleep.


When my eyes opened to the tall ceiling looming over me, the pain from earlier that day no longer crippled me. As my limbs cracked while I stretched, a momentary connection to the blue light caused a zap of electricity to streak out of my fingers. It fizzled on my hands as I gawked before dissipating back into them.

Anxiety filled into my stomach with a sharp ache as knuckles wrapped on the door.

"Who is it?" I breathed.

Arden pushed open the door, soft light from the hallway flooding past his silhouette. "How are you feeling this morning?"

"Morning?" I glanced out the window. I couldn't see the suns, but I guess that meant they were rising on the other side of the castle. "I slept the whole day?"

"Actually, you slept the whole week."

My eyes snapped over to him. "A week?"

"Your body was spent after that whole ordeal," Arden explained. "It needed time to heal."

"A week?" I said, still in disbelief. What had I missed? Was my family okay? "Has anything happened?"

He sensed the meaning in my tone, or maybe he flat out read my thoughts, because he said, "Your family is safe."

Flooded with relief, I gave him a small nod.

"Camilla is coming to bathe and dress you. After breakfast, your training will resume."

My training. I groaned internally. I forgot that was something that was now added into my life. I had to train to be able to defend myself if Arden's plans failed.

The thought of never seeing my family again... cut into me deeply.

Left alone with my troubled thoughts, I hadn't even realized Camilla replaced Arden in the doorway.

"Are you ready, dear?" she asked.

Honestly and truly, I wasn't. Knowing that I would be embarking forward with this new power and complete possibility of never seeing my family again was devastating. I don't know why it was hitting me harder than before. Maybe it was the fact that Arden proved to me that I did have powers. I tried to call his bluff, but there was no bluff there. And so... there was two outcomes. A 50% chance I would be in Mercury's disgusting clutches.

I felt sick.

The Girl of Many Worlds | (Story formerly known as "Multiworldcial")Where stories live. Discover now