Chapter 31

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I lingered by the doors as they slammed shut behind me. The sound of them closing echoed throughout the castle; it was so quiet as if all the servants held their breath after our interaction. No one was around, so how could they hear what just happened? But it still felt like everyone knew, and heat flooded into my cheeks in embarrassment.

"Sir," Zander's muffled voice started, "she's emotionally distressed."

"I know, Zander," Arden said, the coolness of his voice broken. He sounded scared. "I don't want her to face any of this. I've waited for this war my whole life when I knew I just had to worry about myself. And when I accepted Lester's offer, I only cared about getting Mercury to engage with me on my terms. Now, it's so much more; I care about her well-being."

"I understand. We're in quite the predicament."

"The only good thing about this is the village being protected. They'll never find them."

"Maybe we hide her there."

"I considered that, but his connection with her gets stronger every day she resides on Antika. If I put her down there and open the escape vault, he'll find all of them." He sighed. "I wish I could do so much more for her."

I went to my bathroom, his words heavy on my heart. I rinsed away the tears and took in my appearance from my reflection. My eyes were still red alongside my cheeks. I sighed and made my way back to my room.

Once the door was locked behind me, I dove into bed, wrapping the warm covers around me in a tight embrace. Hopefully, Arden wouldn't realize I was here instead of in the town. I wasn't trying to disobey him purposefully, but I wanted to be at least presentable before I showed up where everyone hated me. Who knows the insults that would follow?

I lay there, annoyed at the person whom I've become. Why was I so pathetic? Why was I behaving so worthlessly?

I tried picturing myself engaging in combat, but every time I embraced the imagery, I was enveloped in terror; it felt like my whole body was wrapped in it instead of the blanket. Frustratedly, I kicked my way out.

I focused on controlling my breathing and letting my eyes fall close. I didn't plan on falling asleep, but somehow, on my second deep breath, I was somewhere else.

"My dearest sweet, Jade," Mercury said softly. "How are you?"

I bolted up, but I wasn't in the safety of my room. Instead, Mercury sat in front of me on a table that looked like it was carved out of a curled, gnarled tree stump. His eyes were bright, an unnerving, welcoming smile on his face. 

For once, I did the talking. "How did you get me here?"

"My connection with you strengthens every day you're in this realm. It's become effortless to connect with you now."

"So you could just grab me, just like that? The war is for nothing?"

"Of course not, darling, at least not yet. You're still at Arden's palace. I'm simply connected to your mind. I want to inform you what you should expect as we pursue this war."

My hands clenched tightly, my nails piercing their palms. I've been scared by Mercury's callousness in every other scenario and simulation. But in this instance, Mercury's face was friendly and inviting, unlike anything I expected. It flooded me with unease. 

"Please sit, Jade." I refused to move, shaking my head in disbelief. He shrugged and said, "Have it your way. How has Arden been treating you?"

"Fine," I said through grit teeth.

"No need to be hostile, Jade. I'm not going to hurt you."

"You really expect me to believe that?"

The dense trees around us loomed in as he grinned. "No. But, being that you're valuable, there's no reason to hurt you currently. Should you be unable to produce an heir, I'd have less use for you. Therefore, if you disobey me at that time, I'll have no other choice but to force compliance into you. But we mustn't worry about that now." He waved it away as if his threats were meaningless.

"You're telling me that in the future, once you've forced me to sleep with you, if I'm unable to conceive, you're going to abuse me, and I'm supposed to not worry about that now?"

"Don't put words in my mouth. I said if you disobey while unable to conceive, I'll have no choice but to force you to comply with my conquests by whatever means possible. Your loins may be useless, but we will remain a powerful empire once united."

His referring to my body sent floods of disgust through me. "I'm your niece! You're supposed to be my uncle! Why do you want this for us?"

"I have little care about societal norms. This is about the survival of my empire." He stood and lifted a pot of tea and a tiny teacup and approached me. "Would you like some?" He poured the dark, smelly liquid into the cup. I gagged.

"Earth has spoiled you, sweetheart," he said with a chuckle. "No matter; more for me." He threw his head back and chugged it down. Some of the dark liquid dribbled down the corner of his lips, and it clung there, literally. He lifted the remnants and swallowed the rest of it down.

Horrified, I asked, "Is it alive?"

"Yes," he said. "This herb doesn't die after it's been removed from its roots."

He's a monster. He'd kill you if he could. 

Sudden panic flooded me. I frantically searched, hoping to find a way out of this tree prison that entrapped us. Everywhere I looked, the roots and trunks seemed to squish closer and closer together. Nausea rose into my throat as Mercury moved my hair behind my shoulders.

"There's no escaping this mental prison, Jade."

"Please... I don't want to sleep with you. I don't want to marry you. Leave me alone, and let me go!"

"Artificial insemination has been perfected in this realm, Jade. I have no desire to lie down with you; I only need the eggs in your body."

I'm ashamed to say I felt the slightest relief.

"I'm less of a monster now, aren't I?" 

"Your kids will be your great nieces and nephews; I can't say you are."

His hand trailed up to my face and gently gripped my chin. 

I resisted, and his facade came crashing down. His grip tightened with a burning fire in his eyes. "This is not the time to act like a stubborn child, dear. Here's what will happen: King Arden will die by my hand, his last act to avenge his dear mother Dahlia will be in vain, and you and I will marry back at my castle. Do well to keep from making the connection with anyone, for their sake."

I don't know where the rage bubbling within me came from because I found myself saying, "I don't care about making the connection, but I do know Arden's going to win."

He laughed loudly before saying, "No, sweet dear, he will not be winning. He's much too young to realize what's coming for him."

"Arden is prepared for how much you underestimate him. He knew how to get you to go to war with him."

"A fool's move, my dear."

"A power move," I retorted. "Because now you have to come out of your way to travel here, to lose men before your own death."

He squeezed my face, causing me to cry out. "You're fortunate I'm not there to teach you how to watch your tongue."

"You're insecure," I cried. "Why else would you be so upset by friggin words?"

He quaked momentarily, seeming like he would strike me, but finally released my face with an eerily calm look. "Remember, Jade, how you act now determines the torture you receive for your betrayal."

I couldn't hide my mortification, causing him to smile with satisfaction. "You didn't think you would go unpunished for running off with Arden, did you? Right now, the level of your punishment was spending a week in my vermin-filled dungeon, but now it appears I'll be letting several of my closest companions have their way with you."

I trembled, the bravery I felt earlier smashed to smithereens.

He got closer to my face, the smile never leaving his own, and whispered, "Think about that as you lay in your false sense of security. Next time we meet, watch your tongue, or it'll be much worse." 

The Girl of Many Worlds | (Story formerly known as "Multiworldcial")Where stories live. Discover now