Chapter 35

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Dishes crashed to the floor behind us, and I caught the tail end of Zaria storming out of the room toward the back where all the animals were held.

Arden didn't bat an eye as he left to eat with the other royals; the collective breath being held was released, and chaos erupted in the kitchen.

"I'll go check on Zaria," a cook said and disappeared in the back.

"Why would he do that to Zaria? And why her? It makes no sense!"

Her? Are they talking about me, or am I being paranoid?

"It's all that time they spend together in the castle, isn't it?"

Oh gosh, I think they are talking about me. What happened that everyone is getting so bent out of shape about it?

"This is such a betrayal!"

"Is he planning on making The Connection with her soon?"

"Enough!" Maya commanded, and the chatter around us instantly died down. "His choices are his own. We need to respect that and carry on."

"Maya, are you not surprised by this?" another cook asked.

"It's none of my business. Arden had the right to make the choice he did."

"What, though," I started, "is the choice he just made?"

It seemed as if everyone finally remembered I was there. All the eyes in the room landed on me as Maya's gaze softened, and with a smile filled with a hint of mischievousness, she started to speak.

"Well, it seems that the King—"

"Arden warns that none of us are to speak of this to Jade," Zander interrupted. 

A spark of frustration spread in my chest, and I wanted to storm up to Arden and ask him what this was about. I clenched my fists and teeth, remembering how he felt about me embarrassing him. I swallowed down my pride as Maya relented with a, "Okay, as the King wishes."

After a while, things calmed down within The Haven, and the sun started to set. Arden and the other royals returned their dishes, which Icabod carted to the sink, where he rinsed them. Almost humorously, they had a dishwasher, and I watched him load them in. I guess dishes being a hassle wasn't just an Earth thing.

"Princess, it's time to go upstairs. I would also like a word with you."

The murmurs started again but were silenced by Arden with the slightest glance around. Zaria was still not back, but I heard someone mutter, "Poor Zaria," all the same. I don't know why I was feeling guilty, but I was.

We padded through the darkening streets and settling town. I found myself getting increasingly more anxious. Was he going to explain what all that was back there? Why was it so weird that he didn't accept a bowl from Zaria but took it from me?

The silence got to me so much that I blurted out, "How do you make the connection?"

He looked amused. "Are you trying to make it with someone?"

"Well, no. I just know it's important. People in The Haven mentioned it today."

Arden stared off for a moment before looking back at me. "You make it by kissing someone."

This shocked me. I thought the process was so much more complicated. Like you'd need to do some ritual. "So, you guys can't kiss anyone?" He looked at me quizzically. "I mean... I've never kissed anyone, but I find it bizarre. On Earth, people make out all the time with whoever they want."

Arden's glower rested on my face, and I looked away quickly. "Sorry, geez!"

"Humans don't understand the sacredness that is making The Connection."

"Okay, so why don't you explain it to me?" I asked as we neared the elevator shaft.

Arden pressed the elevator button. We waited at the bottom as he started. "The Connection has been with our people for the entirety of our existence. When two people fall in love—or even if they don't—and kiss, it joins them in a tight bond."

I shrugged. "If you find the right person on Earth, you can feel that way, so I've heard."

"This bond is different." He crossed his arms, looking too shy and embarrassed to discuss it. He continued anyway. "With this, your mind and body are connected. You can feel each other's emotions, feel each other's pain... pleasure... everything. It's hard for people to process at first, but... it becomes less overwhelming and easier to differentiate your being once you get used to it. I've heard that, eventually, you can control what you allow yourself to feel from the other person. Doesn't mean you're any less connected, but it becomes more balanced."

"Oh, makes a little more sense now from when we talked about it before," I said. We stared up at the descending elevator. "It must be hard then for you guys. You can't kiss people you find attractive. It's kinda lame."

The elevator touched down, and we got in together. When the doors closed, Arden pressed the button that caused the windows around us to close. 

"Aw, I wanted to see—"

He advanced toward me and gently pressed me against the wall. One of his arms wrapped around the small of my back while the other cupped my chin. My heart thundered in my chest as my mind finally synced with my body and processed how close he was. His golden eyes were so beautiful as they peered down into mine. His hands felt strong and determined as he held me in place. Our noses were practically touching as his lips inched closer to mine. 

His voice was soft as he said, "I could kiss you if I wanted to. But this is how easily I won't." He moved away from me.

His sudden lack of closeness left my body a confused ball of jittering nerves. The disappointment that he hadn't kissed me was intense. I let out a shaky breath. 

What just happened? Did he flirt with me?

"What do you think?" he asked.

I felt like a deer in headlights. He smirked and then turned forward, his serious demeanor returning.

"Anyway, I've set up something you may appreciate. As I said before, I hadn't realized how much my pessimism impacted you. I organized a fun little activity for everyone in the castle."

My ears were still burning, and I could hardly focus.

I think he could see the state I was in because he asked, "Have you never been flirted with, Jade?"

"Yes! I mean, I don't know. It's just you're hot. I mean—!"

He chuckled. "Thank you for your honesty, Princess. However, I didn't mean to make you nervous. I'll do better to restrain myself going forward."

But I liked it, I thought.

He looked at me knowingly, and the corner of his lifts lifted in a soft smile.

Noted, he replied. 

The Girl of Many Worlds | (Story formerly known as "Multiworldcial")Where stories live. Discover now