Chapter 34

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After breakfast the next day, Zander and Maya stood beside me before The Haven. I was nervous, but not as much as I had been the first and second time I'd visited.

I stepped through the threshold and was met with more pleasant demeanors. I could tell people were still hesitant around me with the way they hardly made eye contact and fidgeted, but no one glared or made comments under their breath.

Maya showed me where all the pots and pans were, the oven, the stove, and then the back of the building where the cattle to be slaughtered were, including but not limited to cows, pigs, and chickens. They rested peacefully, surrounded by a large wooden fence. Some of them approached us in the doorway, sniffing for food. When they saw we had none, they moved away.

"When their final hour comes, we give them an herb that puts them to sleep so they don't have to die afraid. But you won't have to worry about slaughtering them; we have someone designated for that."

She shut the door and led me away from the cattle area, back into the main and only room, the kitchen.

"You ready to make your first dish?" she asked.

I'm sure all the color drained from my face as I said, "Huh?"

"Your first task is to make a dish for everyone here to eat, as well as Arden and a few people in his cohort."

My hands began sweating, and I wanted to return upstairs and isolate myself as always. But I knew this time I didn't have the option. I had to push myself through this if I wanted to get off of Arden's bad side. 

And I was tired of feeling like a scared little girl. If I could at least do this, what else could come of it? I'd finally feel like I'd done something. Arden expected that much of me, at least. 

I walked to the other side of the room, where a fridge stood. I opened it, the cold greeting me alongside the meats. I scanned the items that I'd need for the recipe and smiled. I had everything I needed to make some good chili.


"I didn't know how spicy you guys wanted it," I said, scooping the white rice into the wooden bowls and topping it with meat and beans. "I'm hoping it doesn't burn anybody's tongues."

Maya smiled as she began to hand out the bowls to everyone in the room. "We have a tolerance for many spices here. Don't worry yourself about that."

Surprisingly, Lana dove in first. I waited for her face to twist in disgust, but she savored the bite, and her eyes slightly lit up.

"This is pretty good," she said hesitantly. A small smile escaped my lips as she shoved more chili into her mouth.

"It's excellent, Jade! You came up with this yourself?" Ichabod asked through a mouthful. As I answered, more people finally decided to taste the contents of their bowls.

"A family recipe. My grandma taught me how to make it."

"It's delicious!" Ichabod continued. "I think we can say we're looking forward to whatever more you come up with."

"Yes," Zaria spoke for the first time. "I think Arden will also enjoy this. Excellent job!"

"Thank you," I said with a smile.

"This will be a part of your duties often," Maya said. "Every, uh..., 'Friday' we have whole village meals. A head chef's duties are finding out what people may want to eat and preparing a large banquet by the end of the week. You get 'Saturday' and 'Sunday' to yourself."

"So villagers cook for themselves?" I asked. Maya nodded. "Yes. The end-of-the-week meals are for unity. Today is a simple meal for Arden to eat alongside his servants, army men, and counsel men."

I wanted to ask why she used air quotations when saying the days of the week, but with all eyes on me, I decided to ask the crucial question instead: "Will we have enough?" 

"You're the chef," Maya said, a twinkle in her eye. I sighed and turned to the other chefs in the room, who looked like they were awaiting instruction.

"Okay, everybody, we need a little more, so let's get to work."

Time passed quickly, and Arden walked in around an hour later with Zander and a bunch of soldiers and other elegantly dressed people, a mixture of men and women. Another steaming large pot of chili and a separate pot of rice were available. I began scooping the food into the wooden bowls as they formed a single-file line in front of the stand the food was on, right in front of the entrance of The Haven.

Ichabod and Lana handed them their bowls, all except Arden. The sounds around me slowly died down, and my eyes flicked around to see what was up.

Zaria and Arden held each other's gaze for a moment. Arden frowned and then closed his eyes and shook his head. This didn't deter her. She walked forward and took the bowl from my hand that I hadn't remembered I was holding while I stared dumbfoundedly. There was a liquid on her head that smelled sweet and flowery.

She prepped the meal as some of the liquid, which I figured was perfumed oil, dripped onto her arm and, with a bowed head, held it out to him.

Arden took it, her head snapping up with her eyes bright.

Then he put it on the stand where the rest of the prepped bowls were. Her eyes darkened with hurt but acceptance. She turned on her heels and returned to her post in the kitchen behind us. Whispers erupted within The Haven, and even Ichabod, who was handing out the bowls to the royals, eyes widened with shock.

Zander gave Maya a look. She also seemed at a loss for words. Zander's glance then rested on me. His expression flashed with what, realization? Maybe? He bowed his head with a smile.

Make and serve me a bowl, Princess. Arden's voice was surprisingly gentle but determined.

I didn't know what else to do. I scooped the rice into a new bowl and poured the chili. I went to hand it to him, but he grabbed my other hand, still clutching the spoon, and took it. He then took my now ladle-free hand and put it around the bowl.

Why do you want me to hold the bowl with two hands?

This is not for you to worry about right now, Princess. I promise I will explain everything in due time.

He then bowed and said, "Thank you, Princess." And accepted the bowl from me. 

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