Chapter 25

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The library was magnificent.

I glanced around the walls upon walls filled with shelves upon shelves of books upon books. It was a book lover's dream; Jason would've loved this place if he had been here. Not that I wasn't a book lover myself, but I was always hesitant to open a new story for fear of what I would meet at the end of it—non-happy endings terrified me.

Arden sat me down at a table in front of a window overlooking the wasteland. There, he planted a few scrolls down for me to peruse through.

"Take your time. I'll be here if you need me." He vaguely pointed to an area behind me.

Understanding my assignment had started, my eyes scanned the information in the scrolls.

You should feel the power coursing through your veins. This isn't a mere fantasized feeling. You know you're charged up for an attack or defense. If you don't feel this, you are not connecting to your powers correctly, resulting in a lack of progress in enhancing your skills.

There are some exceptions. There's a gene where some may feel numb to their powers. In these instances, one must learn through the breathing technique called Enorigma to tap into the Blue Light. Once you complete the method, intense willpower and concentration are required to harness the power continuously. Continuously using Enorigma can lead to hyperventilation which can result in fainting spells. This is not ideal in battle.

While this is an unfortunate gene to inherit due to its limitations, many are efficient in battle because they are more aware of their limitations. This self-awareness causes more intense concentration. The intensity of their Blue Light, or lack thereof, makes it easy to know how to start Enorigma again. And with that comes a need for more intense hand-to-hand combat while regenerating their powers. This also leads to an increased demand for solid stamina and cardio health.

Those with the genes can be some of the strongest soldiers on Antika if adequately trained.

Enorigma breathing technique goes as follows:

1. Inhale for 7 seconds, exhale in three staccato puffs of air.
2. Inhale for 5 seconds, exhale in two staccato puffs of air.
3. Inhale for 3 seconds, exhale in one long breath.
4. Repeat until you feel the sizzle in your veins.

With this technique, practice is the only way to get successful results. After a while, you will not need to count your breaths. It will become natural for your body to get the energy flowing with your breaths alone.

Taking this information in, I wondered if this was the issue I was having. I turned to Arden, who picked up a book to browse and said, "Do you think I have the gene where I'm numb to my powers?"

"No," he said immediately. "Those with the gene have a white streak in some part of their hair."

"Oh," I said, unable to hide the relief in my voice. "That would've been tough."

"Yes, but doable."

"Sure," I mumbled. But then again, you always think everything is doable, I thought bitterly. I returned my gaze to the scrolls.


After hours of reading and even attempting to harness my powers, I felt helpless. I knew they were there, and so did Arden. But for some reason, they lay dormant within me.

"Can I check out the Modern Scrolls now?" I asked.

He nodded and walked off again, taking the Olden Scrolls with him.

"King Arden," a breathless voice said. A female servant was on the library's threshold, a nervous look in her eyes. Her long black hair momentarily blocked her face once she made eye contact with me and curtsied. "Princess, I was told that King Arden would be here?"

"Yes, he's coming back right now; he just went to grab me something," I said. Two seconds after the words escaped my lips, Arden appeared holding the scrolls. These were less aged, looking more pristine; I wasn't afraid that I would break these.

"Yes, Mayla?" Arden asked as he handed me the literature.

"Zander and the generals have sent for you; unfortunately, there's been an incident. Your assistance is required immediately in the Battle Chambers."

"I will be there shortly; please give them the message."

She curtsied again and ran off.

"Is everything okay?" I asked.

"You don't need to worry about that. Please read; either I or another servant will fetch you for dinner."

I nodded as he strolled off.

As I opened the Modern Scrolls, not much of the information changed. Even the Enorigma breathing technique was the same. However, there was an additional section that the Olden Scrolls didn't have. One that directly pertained to me.

If You Are Multiworldcial

You have complicated circumstances. This unique predicament is both a blessing and also a terrible curse. As your body struggles to balance all the power within itself, said powers tend to cancel each other out and remain dormant. Furthermore, not many people are Multiworldcial, and those who are tend never to find out, or if they do find out, are killed off quickly as they are seen as a massive threat to power. Due to these factors, it's quite challenging to discern precisely what needs to be done to activate Antikan powers.

We do not know if many Multiworldcial people can access powers from their other world origins. But deep concentration, practice, and primarily the Awakening are methods to get in touch with the Blue Light. Unfortunately, not much research has been put into this. The Awakening has worked with one Multiworldcial kin with a positive outcome. Sadly, this kin was murdered by a tyrannical King, and further research couldn't be conducted.

Unease swept through me. Just my very existence was a threat to those around me. Who's to say people didn't want me dead?

I reread the world and realized a small dot next to the Awakening explanation led to the bottom of the scroll, where small lettering added some extra details.

Being Multiworldcial and mixed with Human is tricky as being Human almost acts as a deterrent for powers. Simply put, if you are mixed with Humans, you are unlikely to access your abilities due to Humans' elementary genetics and nature. 

They were not designed for powers.

The only possible way to ignite Antikan powers is to have the Awakening and make The Connection with someone with a firm grasp on their abilities to the Blue Light. This, however, is only a theory that has not yet been tested due to the rarity of a multibreed such as this.

"Well, there you go," I said bitterly. "It's impossible."

The Girl of Many Worlds | (Story formerly known as "Multiworldcial")Where stories live. Discover now