Chapter 40

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I watched after him mournfully. He had to save me, sure. For my father.

That's all it was about.

I leaned back against the wall and slid down. I didn't care if my dress got dirty. I didn't even care that Brutus' blood was nearby, soaking into the ground. I buried my head into my knees and let it all wash away.

Hell, yes, I was sick of being a sniveling, depressed baby. And I know the harshness towards myself was one of the reasons why I was constantly wallowing in this state as well, but gosh, I was sick of it. So sick of it.

But to be fair... I was almost assaulted. Sexually. And although Arden had gotten me to calm down, I still felt the terror lurking in the back of my mind of how close I was to being victimized just because my damn uncle was a tyrant and a monster.

I guess those went hand in hand.

I wrapped my arms tightly around myself and closed my eyes.

"Stop crying," I chastised myself. "Just stop."

I wiped my tears with one hand as I leaned back against the wall. When I opened my eyes, I saw Arden looking down at me.

"Come," he said gently, holding his hand out to me. I reached out, and he helped pull me to my feet.

"Let's go back to the castle," he said. "My men are handling everything." He didn't let go of my hand as he walked me through the town's streets. As the emergency protocol lifted, with all the rest of Brutus' men apprehended at the town square, people watched in awe at the two scenes unfolding around them.

I saw Zaria before Arden did, and I wanted to pull my hand away from him for some reason. I felt a pang of guilt I couldn't describe. But he wouldn't let me. He just tightened his grip and looked forward. I looked away from her, unable to witness the hurt in her eyes.

We made it to the elevator, leaving the noises of the village behind. The ride up was quiet. We didn't stop on the main floor like I thought. Instead, he brought me to the roof, where we'd once had a heart-to-heart. It felt like so long ago.

Only then did he release my hand and walk over to one of the watchtowers overlooking the perimeter. They must've been newly built for the war because I hadn't noticed them the first time we were here.

"Princess." He looked at me hesitantly. "When I heard you calling for me, the news had just reached me about the emergency protocol being activated." He looked off into the dark distance. "I am afraid to admit that I have never been so afraid."

His words stunned me. Afraid? Why?

"Because," he said, turning to face me, "I..." He sucked in a deep breath as if he was trying to steel himself. "I care very much about you. And I knew you were in danger."

My heart started thudding hard. My mind went blank, not wanting him to gauge my thoughts. Mainly because I didn't know in what way he cared about me. If I jumped the gun, that would be humiliating.

I didn't want to be the only one who had feelings.

"Now, Princess," he said, his voice lowering an octave. He pushed himself away from the watchtower and slowly approached. "You know I don't like when you block me out."

I don't know why his words sent a shiver through me. Not one due to repulsion or fear but pure—

His fingers pressed to my temple.

"That's not fair," I whispered, my body falling into his. He caught me with ease, pulling me closer to him. I didn't fight it as he coaxed the thoughts out. Weirdly, it felt good, like when you realize you gotta stretch after a long time of your limbs being pulled too tightly together.

His breath tickled my ears as he whispered, "Nothing is ever fair."

I looked up at him, his face close to mine. "If we were in your world without the sacredness of the connection, I would've kissed you by now. So no, you're not the only one feeling this way." His thumb traced my bottom lip, and heat rose to my cheeks.

"And you won't do it because you're not sure you want to marry me."

"You're not sure either," he said. "And I understand completely. You age very differently back in your realm. It's stunted."

I wanted to be offended, but I could tell how he said it wasn't meant to be rude, just an observation.

"I guess so," I reluctantly agreed. "How old are you, anyway?"

"Nineteen," he said. "In human years, at least. But here on Antika, I'm twenty-five, and you're twenty-four."

"What?" I exclaimed.

"Different revolutions around our suns," he said. "Much quicker. The mentality doesn't change much either; it's just different culturally here—a more mature culture than back on Earth, especially in the United States.

"People on Earth have progressed to not wanting to get married until their thirties, which is unacceptable here. For me, it's a rushed process. But for you, it's more so of a choice. And I intend to let you keep having that choice."

He stepped back from me once more. "But I won't lie and say it's not hard. Your beauty is beyond my comprehension. I... I've found it increasingly difficult to keep my feelings for you at bay."

"So, you just like my looks."

"When we use the term beautiful here, we strictly mean it inside and out," he said. "So yes, you're pretty. But your soul, your heart... I have to protect them—I have to protect you."

My cheeks heated once more. "You're not a bad-looking dude yourself."

He smiled, something rare to see, and my heart skipped several beats—I'm surprised I survived such a rare encounter. It was weird being there with him, almost feeling like two lovebirds who had a crush on one another rather than a Princess and a King who had the whole weight of the world on their shoulders.

However, his smile faded, and that serious look he always wore returned. "I thought that I was too late. I thought he hurt you."

I realized he was referring to Brutus. "No," I said. "He didn't. I'm okay but shaken up."

"You don't have to downplay this." He held my gaze. "You were assaulted. He tried to sexually abuse you. It's traumatic whether or not he got what he wanted. And I'm truly sorry I didn't get to prevent that from happening to you."

I placed my hand on his chest and nearly flushed our bodies together. His arms twitched as if wanting to wrap around me, but knowing if he did, it'd be endgame. He'd kiss me.

"It's not your fault." I lifted my hands to his cheeks and gently caressed his face. His eyes bore into mine, looking between the two, searching for the secrets to the universe as if I possessed them.

And I didn't.

But I wanted him to keep looking at me as if I did. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14 ⏰

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