Chapter 5

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Jason entered the living room with a tight smile and feigned innocence. "Oh, hi! Uh... who are you?"

Mercury smirked. "I'm Mercury, Jade's uncle."

I wobbled to my feet as Jason said, "Nice to meet you, I'm—"

"You're Jason, I know." Mercury's eyes were gleeful. "I know you very well, actually. I almost had to kill you once. I'm sure you know when." My heart thundered in my chest, suddenly aware that we were in more danger than I could've fathomed.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Jason said. "But I'm going to go to the kitchen for some refreshments. Do you want anything?"

"No," Mercury said.

"I need one," I whispered. I stiffly walked to the threshold of the living room, Jason following me, only to be stopped by Mercury there.

"Don't be long," Mercury said, running his finger across my cheek.

"Don't touch me." I attempted to make my voice as venomous as possible. But my words did nothing to him.

He held my eyes with a scolding look. "Is that how you speak to your soon-to-be husband?"

I glanced at Jason, expecting him to be as repulsed as I was—my uncle was an insane man with incestual intentions—but he didn't react. His eyes held Mercury's as he firmly said, "Come on, Jade."

Jason took a step forward. Mercury placed a hand in the middle of his chest and stated, "You have five minutes."

Jason rushed me off into the kitchen where I grabbed a cup and filled it to the brim with water. Some of it splashed onto my shirt as I gulped it down.

"What the hell is going on?" I hissed weakly.

"You can't know right now."

"I can't know? My uncle is coming here, informing me of our to-be-marriage and I can't know anything about it?"

"The more you know, the more dangerous it is for everyone. Trust me, Jade. You can't know."

Not even a second after he spoke, I heard police sirens droning towards the house.

"Can I at least know what we're doing when it comes to the cops?"

"We'll just explain that I didn't realize it was your uncle and they'll leave."

"Then why the heck did you call the cops in the first place?" I whispered, exasperated.

"You'll see."

Mercury's angered footsteps filled my stomach with dread. He appeared in the kitchen, with two blue daggers in hand. I didn't have a chance to cry out before he placed one on Jason's neck and pointed the other at me. His expression was dark as we pressed ourselves against the sink with him between us and the knives. "You two," Mercury growled, "better have an explanation for why the police are parking outside the house."

"I'm sorry," Jason said, sounding strained. "I thought you were a random man off the street earlier. I didn't know you were Jade's uncle. We'll just explain that to them."

Mercury stared at him for a moment. The cool sink felt clammy under my fingers as we waited in anxious silence for him to decide whether he believed Jason, or was going to kill him. Knocking pounded on the door as the police tried to get our attention. Mercury looked back towards the sound, then faced Jason again.

"Very well," he said. "Let's go. All of us." He deliberately made eye contact with me. I gave Jason's hand a quick squeeze as we pushed ourselves off the sink. We followed Mercury who led us to the police. He unlocked the door and greeted the cops with Jason. Before I could join them, a hand clamped down on my mouth and a strong arm wrapped around my waist. My squeal was stifled as I was dragged away from the exit and towards the back of the house.

In a swift moment I was boxed in, my back against the wall with someone else in front of me. With my mouth still covered, I stared into a pair of golden eyes.

It was Arden.

I visibly relaxed. He removed his hand, saying, "We have to move quickly."

"Arden, please explain to me what's going on. Who are you really? Do you know Mercury?"

"Jade!" Mercury's voice boomed in the house. "Honey, I need you to let the cops know that you're okay. You're making a scene." We were in the hallway by the back door and Mercury looked right at us. I was going to respond but Arden covered my mouth again as I heard in my head, Don't say anything. He doesn't see us. I looked at him, shocked. Yes, Jade, it's me... in your head. Don't say a word.

He removed his hand from my mouth and then pressed us together against the wall. Mercury strode past us, alongside two other cops, and exited through the backdoor. Arden roughly grabbed my hand and led me back to the front door. Jason was having a conversation with the other cop outside. Arden grabbed him by his arm and the cop's eyes widened.

"What the hell?" he exclaimed. He frantically looked around.

The two of you, we have to move fast. Mercury is going to figure out I'm here if we take too long. He can't intercept me at the portal or else this is all for nothing.

We rushed down the driveway together. With the cops shouting and more of the neighbors becoming restless and nosy, it felt like a spark was waiting to burst into an explosion. Arden's hands remained clasped on our arms as we made it to the end of the block. Jason's parents were already on the corner, sitting in their car.

"Drive and don't stop until he finds you and takes you in," Arden commanded and let go of Jason. He nodded and then said, "Thank you, Arden. And I'll see you again, Jade. Stay strong."

"Jason?" I sobbed. I looked at Arden and then back at him. "I'm not going with you?" Jason shook his head.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." He hopped in the car and the tires squealed as they sped off.

I watched their car slowly fade into the distance, feeling completely and utterly abandoned. Arden's touch was kind as he made me face him. "I know this is going to be hard, but there was no other way, Jade." My bottom lip trembled. I felt so pathetic. "Close your eyes." With tears streaming down my face I did, even though I had no reason to trust him.

I remained in darkness for a long time.

The Girl of Many Worlds | (Story formerly known as "Multiworldcial")Where stories live. Discover now