Chapter 27

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That night, I stirred restlessly in bed. I couldn't help but picture poor Jason taking his last breaths.

I was too awake to stay put. My feet dangled momentarily over the side of the bed before finding the soft fabric of my slippers. I exited my room into the dimly lit hallway.

I'd never been out there at this time of night. I guess they did this to conserve energy when everybody was asleep.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket. Arden created a wireless charger for me, and it's been quite handy. Although I have no service or way of contacting people, seeing the old photos and videos I saved was nice. It was a reminder of how far Earth was, but still, remnants of it remained in my life through a singular, albeit useless, device.

I turned on the flashlight as I walked down the halls. I didn't know where I was going. I could go to the town but thought better of potentially waking up those already sleeping.

I wandered until I ended up in the simulation room. I didn't know what to do as I stared at the buttons below me. Everything seemed to be a foreign language, almost like some programming language back on Earth.

The only thing that seemed clear was "From Memory." I decided to give it a go. Hopefully, nothing crazy would happen. I needed a mental break.

I walked into the now highly darkened simulation chamber. The air around me shifted instantly before I reached the ramp's bottom.

Standing in front of me was Jason.

Instant pain flooded my chest as he smiled warmly. "Ready for class?"

I hadn't realized where we were. My gaze landed on the glossy-speckled halls of my school. Some of my peers around me had faces, while others remained a slightly eerie blur of themself. I followed Jason through the crowds of classmates. I knew exactly where we were going.

We had a project due that day. We were giving a presentation about how... I didn't remember. I was terrified, and he said he'd handle everything. I felt like a total loser, not because I wasn't an expert on the subject matter—whatever it was in history—but because the terror of the presentation caused a mini lapse in my memory. It didn't help that we were the ones who had to present first.

The world around me warped until I was in front of the class. The anxiety I felt that day was just as accurate in the simulation. Blood was rushing to my ears and face, my heart was pounding a marathon, trying to race out of my chest, and everyone there was in a blurry haze.

It was a little freaky reliving the memory. I felt like I was being dragged through my own horror story. Why did I come here?

Because I missed Jason.

The scene shifted again to us leaving class. Since it was the last class of the day, Jason said he would treat me to ice cream. He then added, "Well, my parents' money will." We laughed. But through that laughter, my heart ached.

"Jason," I whispered. The comfort of the memory broke. I realized my not running with the script caused me to create a simulation separate from the one I was reliving.

"You okay, Jade?" he asked.

I held onto his hands tightly. Bitterly, I sobbed, "I wish you never met me."

He frowned deeply. "Why would you say that?"

"I got you hurt. I might've gotten you killed."

"You've never hurt me."

"Mercury came for you," I said. "Mercury is going to hurt you."

He frantically looked around and then back at me at the mention of his name. "How do you know about him?"

His face then grew pale as he stared at someone behind us. I already knew who it was without having to turn.

Mercury's voice filled me with dread as he said, "You're supposed to come home with me, darling."

Jason stood between us and glowed in a way I never imagined seeing. Mercury was more than amused, maybe even thrilled, because he was about to get into a fight he knew he'd win.

"Jason, don't, not for me!" I cried.

"Be quiet, Jade," he snapped. He remained fixated on Mercury.

Mercury struck first; using his daggers, he aimed them squarely at Jason's chest. Jason, knowing he couldn't move without the blades hitting me, crossed his arms over his heart and braced. The scream that erupted from him flooded me with chills.

He crumpled in front of me with blood dripping from his mouth. Mercury brandished a satisfied smile as he stepped towards us. I couldn't hear anything but the loud sizzling in my veins. The halls around me glowed purple and blue as the energy beamed out of my wrist and body. And unlike earlier, I felt no exhaustion. I felt pure anger.

Mercury flew back and was continuously dragged down the hall by the force of the blue light flowing from me.

"Stop! You must stop this now!" he shouted. "You don't know what you're doing!"

I stretched open my palm until a bat slowly appeared. The bat held sections of spikes in them. Grasping it in both hands, the intense stream around me charged into it. I gave it a practice swing, unsure of what I was doing until a few spikes zipped out and pierced into Mercury's flesh.

He let out a startled gasp as he stood. I pictured what I wanted to do and how to approach that little roach. He ran at me as the sizzling flowed into my feet and lifted me above him. I walked on invisible stairs lit by the blue light and jumped off them to slam the bat into his skull.

He clapped his hands and flew a few feet away from a sputtering Jason. That was too close for comfort. I allowed the blue light to glide me down the hall, bat raised for the attack.

I swung, and small beams emerged from his body, deflecting the spikes of light I sent at him. He was ready for me this time, grabbing me by the collar and pressing me into the locker.

His dagger elongated into a sword and tore through my stomach. A whimper escaped my throat as the pain seared through all my senses. The blue light sizzled into the area, concentrating on keeping me alive. At least, that's what I assumed.

He twisted the blade, and I let out an agonized scream.

"You're no match for me. Just as pathetic as your father."

Blood rose to my throat and flowed out my lips as I grit my teeth. I lost. Just like I figured I would.

I reached up and dug my hands into his shirt.

"You have any last words?" he taunted.

A knife shot from my hand into his throat. He choked and released me. While holding his throat, he collapsed to the floor.

"Y-you..." He couldn't get out the rest of his sentence before he went still.

I sank to the floor and coughed up more blood. Who cares about me? Get Jason!

Crawling toward him, I saw him look at me with wide eyes.

"Are you okay?" I asked with a whimper.

"I'm... okay... now..." He forced a smile onto his face before reaching out. I grasped his hand within mine. "You're okay, Jade. You'll get out of this okay." His voice weakened.

"Jason. Please don't, please!" My begging turned into strangled sobs as the life faded out of his eyes.

"I couldn't... I couldn't even..." he barely gasped out.

The simulation ended. Arden stood in front of me with his hand extended. The pain that filled me dulled as I reached out. He lifted me off my feet and asked, "Are you all right, Princess?"

Embarrassed, I wiped away my tears and gave him a curt nod.

"Why are you lying?" he inquired.

The dam burst, and I clutched my chest as a soundless, held-out cry escaped. His arms wrapped around me and pulled me into a tight embrace. He held me like that for a while as the grief spilled forth. Not just of Jason's potential future passing but of everything. I lost my whole world. My everybody. My reality. I was so homesick I couldn't even describe it.

I want to go home. 

The Girl of Many Worlds | (Story formerly known as "Multiworldcial")Where stories live. Discover now