Chapter 16

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Everyone around the table cleared out, taking their plates and utensils with them. Camilla gave my hand a light pat before she too took her leave. I looked after them longingly as they slipped out of the room one by one; I swallowed at the realization that me and Arden would be alone.

"I have started a war, Jade," he said calmly.

I stared at him, shocked. "Why?"

His face remained impassive. "This was always the plan. I have sent a message to Mercury with my declaration. He should receive that message within a fortnight."

I didn't know what to say. I've never had the unfortunate privilege of being involved in a situation like that. Back on Earth, war existed on the news but... I lived in the United States, a first world country. I knew although there was so much wrong with the country, I couldn't deny some of its blessings as well. Especially not having to live in constant fear, stuck in a battle zone night and day, like some people across the world from me experienced.

Arden folded his arms across his chest. "Jade... there's only two outcomes that will happen here. The first one is Mercury will be defeated and you will be reunited with your family. All ends well." Okay. I definitely like option one. "The second possibility is I will die. My Kingdom will fall. You will unfortunately be taken and become Mercury's wife... you'll never see your family again." My heart sank.

"That's it?" I asked numbly. "That's all that can happen?"

"Yes," Arden said. "That's the way these things go. But I assure you, I am not ill-prepared. I've been working on this my whole life. You've presented us a very wonderful opportunity. He would never agree to meet me here, where I have the advantage, if it weren't for you. Once he receives my message and knows you're here, he won't be able to resist my terms."

Oh gosh... I was a pawn. Arden wasn't doing this for my protection. He did this to get the upper hand for his revenge.

He continued speaking, despite the fact that I could hardly keep up with each revelation he threw at me.

"We will be using the simulation room in order to train you," he said. "I'll teach you self-defense and try to help you get in touch with your powers. That's the least I can do for you if Mercury comes out victor—"

"Excuse me, what?" I asked. "Powers?"

"You have a connection to the Blue Light," Arden said. "The fantastic abilities that you've seen Mercury and my mom posses, you do as well."

I busted out laughing. "Arden, you're mistaken. I have no powers. Sorry to disappoint you."

"You do. The interaction that me and Jason had back on Earth in your school lunchroom, you and I had it, too. You were unaffected by it while Jason was. Do you want to know why?"

I said nothing, my whole mind flooded in disbelief. Did he really think I'd buy any of this nonsense?

"Jade, the people who have the strongest connections to the Blue Light are the only ones permitted to rule. Genetically, you have that bond. Only the kings and queens from other kingdoms can marry one another to keep it alive."

"Seems a little unfair," I spat. "Only you people are permitted to rule because of some genetics?"

"It's to protect the rest, not to keep power," Arden said. "Kings and queens like your dear uncle would squash a kingdom with a powerless ruler."

I rolled my eyes. "Isn't that convenient?"

Arden pushed his chair back from the table and stood up straight. He stormed towards me with long strides and my teeth clenched with anticipation. Leaning against the table, he held onto the back of my chair. Through my peripheral vision I could feel his eyes boring into mine. I felt the warmth of his closeness intensified by his—I hate to admit it—intoxicating scent.

He spoke with a low voice. "Why the sudden hostility and bratiness, your highness?"

Anger bubbled through my veins. My eyes latched onto his as I grit my teeth. "Why the hostility? I'm a pawn trapped in an icy tundra, hated by the village people, and living in fear from my uncle. Now on top of all of that, you claim I have powers, which is friggin ridiculous! The only thing I'm good for is your agenda." I ran my fingers through my hair. "I didn't ask for any of this."

His eyes held mine and the cold wall he had up came crumbling up. He looked equally as angry as I must've. "You think anyone asked for this? You think I wanted my mother to be murdered in front of me? Do you understand how painful that loss is?"

"Yeah, loss is painful, Arden, I'm not stupid."

"You're right, you're not stupid. Maybe that is why I am so offended by your self-pity." His words burned.

"Self-pity?" I snapped. "You don't know a thing about me, bastard." His hand clasped my wrist and yanked me closer to him.

"Do not talk to me that way," he snarled. "Do you know loss? The Connection being broken is the most painful thing you can ever experience, a pain you'll never forget no matter how much you heal from it. So yes, Jade, you selfish princess, you are a part of my agenda, but it's for a good cause: to rid this world of your tyrannical uncle. Either have more compassion, or end up like him."

"I'm not the one who has no compassion!" I shouted. "Don't ever liken me to him!"

His eyes darkened. "Lower your voice. You may be a princess but I'm still a king. Your King."

"You," I started defiantly, pushing my face closer toward his, "will never be my King."


A/N: Hi! Please vote and comment if you're enjoying the story! This one is a little slower paced but I want to take my time for once. Arden and Jade's feelings are growing, I promiseeeeee.

How do you think Arden is going to react? And what do you think about the story so far? I hope you're at least somewhat entertained haha. Happy Wattpadding!

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