Chapter 28

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Arden guided me to the roof of the castle. Although the storm winds gusted out in the wasteland, it was surprisingly warm and dry.

"Why can't we feel the storm?" I asked.

"The roof is protected by an indestructible glass and warmed by those heaters over there," he said, gesturing to a corner holding a small machine. Despite being small, the heat radiating off it was powerful; I could feel it from all the way over here.

"Come, sit," Arden ordered, sitting on a raised part of the roof. I complied, and we sat some distance apart, watching the storm rage on. Only then did I notice how some snow slid across the outer glass.

We shared a surprisingly comfortable silence before Arden asked, "You care about him, right?"

I knew immediately who he was referring to. "Yes."

"You're in love with him," he stated. Surprised, I widened my eyes and then shook my head.

"No. Not in the slightest."


"That'd be too complicated," I added. "There was a time when I wondered if we should be in love. But some things aren't worth crossing that boundary. Do you know what I mean?"

He paused and took a moment to think about it. "Yes. I believe I do."

"This may be inappropriate of me to ask you, but have you experienced this?"

"Yes," he said. "Someone in the town who I considered to be my best friend. Her name is Zaria. I believe Zander has mentioned her before."

"I remember that, actually," I said. "I met her, too. She's beautiful. And one of the only people who seemed not to hate me despite my human mix."

"Yes, she is a treasure," he agreed. "She's one of the prettiest people I know. And has a charming, agreeable personality."

"Sounds like the perfect match. It's unfortunate you don't want to be with her."

"Like you, I don't want to ruin what we have. Overstepping that boundary feels sickening. We will fare better off as friends."

"Yeah," I said. "That's respectable. But no matter what, you have to marry?"

"As per tradition, yes," he said. "I'm due to marry soon."

"And you don't have any people in mind?"

"Unfortunately, no," he said, "but if I did, it wouldn't be worth it."

"Marriage isn't worth it?"

"No, marriage in Antika is a beautiful thing. The dilemma is that once this war starts, I do not know if I'll survive. Why marry when there's such a risk?" He sighed. "I'm doing my best to push this off."

I shifted slightly and mumbled, "Why put it off if you're ready? I thought you were going to win the war anyway?"

"That is the goal and likely now that I have the upper hand," Arden said. "With all the new defenses I've put up, Mercury has outdated information. This war will be ours. However, there's always a chance of it not working out as planned. I'm prepared for all options."

"I would view it as 'I'm going to win.'" He looked at me with an eyebrow raised, so I added, "Well, because it puts good vibes out there. It's like one of those empowered stances my teachers made me do before taking tests back on Earth."

"Power stances?"

"Yeah, like this." I stood, spread my legs, and outstretched my arms in a v-shape around my head. "Ooh, it also makes for a good stretch. I didn't realize I needed that." I let my arms drop.

The Girl of Many Worlds | (Story formerly known as "Multiworldcial")Where stories live. Discover now