Chapter 37

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I squinted across the hallway to where Arden was hiding. I hadn't even noticed him there. He was behind a tarp that housed a whole secret passage. He lifted it ever so slightly and beckoned me over.

I sprinted over and practically threw myself into the passageway.

"Follow me," he whispered.

It was pitch black beside our lanterns. It was relatively narrow, and stone walls held the chill from the outside world within them. Either way, it was invigorating to experience a secret passage in my lifetime, not just in a TV show or reading it in books. 

We traveled quietly until we reached the other side, where the other tarp hung. Arden shut off his light and signaled for me to do the same.

Once the coast was clear, we made our way out into the hall and then into one of the various rooms past the dining room I'd never thought to explore. Arden went in first, glancing around and whispering greetings to anyone there. No one responded, so he motioned for me to follow him in. He shut the door behind me, and we stood in the room together for a moment, listening. It was still outside, meaning the servant was nowhere close to us yet. We had time to find another hiding spot within the room.

He motioned towards the big closet at the side of the room near the window. We inched over. He swung the double doors open and rummaged inside to ensure there wasn't anyone in there. When he searched to his satisfaction, he stuck out his hand toward me.

"What?" I asked.

"Give me your hand," he said. I placed my hand on his soft one. My heartbeat kicked up immediately.

"Get inside," he said. Oh, that's what he was doing. I pulled myself up with the help of his guidance. The inside of the closet was deep enough that we could sit stretched out with ease. For a minute, I thought it would lead to Narnia. 

Arden silently shut the doors behind us before pushing his way through all the hanging clothes and sitting beside me at the back of the closet. Our backs flushed against the hard wooden back, our shoulders barely touching.

So, do you play this game a lot with your servants? I asked.

He paused before giving his response. No. I don't have time for games; I've been planning this war against Mercury.

So then, why are we doing this? I was genuinely confused. If this wasn't something he wanted to do, why do it? If that's how he's thinking, then we wasted some of his precious time.

He took a deep breath in. I waited for him to scold me mentally, but it never came. His words came back into my mind slowly, careful with what he said. I told you why. I owe you a break for how much pressure I've put on you.

Oh, right. Well, thank you. I am grateful.

We stopped talking and took a moment to listen outside. Light footsteps padded their way past the door and down the hall. If that was Melinda, we had more time before she'd find us.

Are you... are you comfortable here? he asked.

It's a little hard on the back area, but I can't complain.

He moved closer and pushed on my back; I hunched forward. He got behind me, his legs encasing mine on either side. He gently pulled me back, and I leaned against his chest. His heartbeat was steady, unlike mine, beating wildly in my chest.

Arden's voice filled my mind again. I did mean, though, if you were comfortable in my castle. I know this transition was hard, but I've tried my best, given the circumstances. Is there anything else you need?

The Girl of Many Worlds | (Story formerly known as "Multiworldcial")Where stories live. Discover now