Chapter 12

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We walked into a building that practically looked like an oven. It was composed of bricks, with a large arched doorway. There were several workers around us in various cooking stations all wearing white aprons. I was met with wary glances as people looked around knowingly at each other. A boy with black hair and piercing purple eyes smiled widely at me and greeted me at the door. He looked to be the only one not cautious of me in the room.

"Hello," he said. "I'm Ichabod. Sous Chef here. What's your name?"

"Jade," I said. "Uh... cooking enthusiast."

He laughed. "Well, miss 'cooking enthusiast', you have a very pretty name." He extended his arms out and looked around while saying, "Welcome to The Haven."

I grinned and said, "Thank you very much." He went back to his post as we stepped further inside. I got a closer look at each individual station. They consisted of a metal table to work on with burners and pans. It mostly looked like vegetables and other grains were being cooked. I didn't see much meat being used.

"Everyone," Maya announced while pressed into Zander's side. "This is Princess Jade. She's from Earth and will be staying with us for a while. After I get her acquainted with this facility, please introduce yourselves to her."

Zander and Maya led me past the kitchen into a long, bare hallway, leading to a door. We exited through it, which led out to a farm. They had animals including but not limited to cows, pigs, chickens, and goats. They rested peacefully, almost in a drugged state, surrounded by a large wooden fence that connected to the barn to The Haven.

"Why are they moving like that?" I asked.

"We've put a harmless drug in them so that when their final hour comes, they won't die afraid," Maya said. "You don't have to worry about that, however. I just want you to be aware of the supplies we're working with. We don't have stuff sent to us like on earth. Our supplies are limited and meat should be treated like a delicacy. Never be wasteful and never use too much."

They led me away from the cattle and back into the main and only room, the kitchen.

"So, is it true you're from Earth ?" Ichabod immediately asked. "We've heard rumors of your arrival... we just never realized a princess would be coming from that world." I glanced at Maya and Zander who gave me encouraging smiles.

"Yeah, it's true," I said. Some people gasped in amazement, while others tsked and glared. I hadn't realized there was such hostility about the idea of an earth-goer on this world.

"Now, people," Zander scolded, "don't judge her before getting to know her. There are many good people on Earth."

They mumbled under their breath and I suddenly wanted to shrink down to the size of an ant and escape without anyone noticing me.

Ichabod attempted to help me out. "What's it like there?" he asked.

"Don't act like you don't know," a girl hissed. I looked for the source, my eyes landing on a short girl with dark blue hair, borderline indigo but not quite. She glared at me with piercing yellow eyes and then looked away.

"Come on, Lana," Ichabod said gently. "We're learning about Earth from someone who's actually lived on it."

I swallowed and felt my palms sweating. "Yeah, Earth is... awfully wonderful." Those who distrusted me seemed to do so even more. Some crossed their arms, others—including Lana—rolled their eyes and continued whispering amongst each other, shaking their heads. It was hard for me to even get the words off my tongue but I managed to continue. "Of course the fact that our world is gradually being murdered by billionaires who just want money in their pocket and not caring at whose expense isn't great but... Earth is quite beautiful. The oceans, the meadows, the architecture, the cultures... it's a really nice place to live. I was supposed to experience a city for once. I never got to have that chance before I had to come here. I heard it's great place to live, too."

"Well, how about the fact that there's poverty," Lana said. "Or that there's so much chaos and destruction even by those who aren't billionaires? Humans are so chaotic and evil—"

"Enough, Lana," Maya ordered. She instantly went quiet, still giving me a mean grill.

"I think I'm okay not working down here," I said and briskly walked out the front door. Zander chased after me as I heard Maya loudly saying, "Now, is that how we treat our guest and a Princess? I am so..."

I made it out of earshot before Zander stopped me. "Jade, don't give up on them so qui—"

"These people don't like me, Zander... I think I'm better off staying in the castle."

"They don't like you because they're afraid of you," he said. "Our history books show them the dark side of human history. Humans have made so many mistakes that we just can't afford to repeat. But they don't ever get to see the goodness of humans. Please, like I was saying, don't give up on them so quickly. They'll love you, I promise."

I didn't realize there was a lump in my throat and tears about to spill out of my eyes until it was too late. I hated crying in front of people, talking animals included, but the dam broke and nothing could stop it. Sobs wracked my body as I continuously wiped the constant steam off my cheeks. Zander made an "aw" noise before engulfing me in a tight hug.

"I miss my family," I sobbed. "I miss my home. I miss my friends. Everything is so different now and I feel so alone."

"I know, sweet Jade, but things are only going to get better. Just remain patient." I nodded even though I didn't believe him. Truly, how could things get better? Mercury and Arden were only going to clash over the sake of me, and I potentially would never see my family again. I just wished more than anything to close my eyes and wake up back on Earth. I hated feeling out of place and misjudged. Out of everyone I met, the only people who showed me kindness were Zander, Maya, Ichabod, and Camilla. Even all the townspeople, some of whom were walking by as I cried, regarded me with scrutiny.

Please let a hole swallow me up and take me back where I belong.

"You've had a long first day and it's almost time for sleep, anyway. How about we take you upstairs and you get some rest?"

I nodded with a sniffle. He rubbed my back and kept his arm over my shoulder as we made our way back to the elevator.

The Girl of Many Worlds | (Story formerly known as "Multiworldcial")Where stories live. Discover now