Chapter 32

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"Jade, snap out of it! Look at me, please!"

Arden's voice dragged me back to reality. I was sitting up in bed with his hands clasping my shoulders. My eyes finally met his worried ones.

"Jade, you're shivering. What happened?"

"M-Mercury," I choked out.

"What about him?" He took in my expression, and his eyes darkened. "What did he do?"

"I can't," I said, breaking down in sobs and covering my eyes.

Mercury's words echoed as I replayed it all. The meaning behind them left me feeling hollow. I was soon to be Mercury's trophy that could be shared if he was so pleased to do so.

I could feel Arden's presence in my mind as he watched the event unfold.

"He's not going to do that, Jade," Arden said calmly. "I won't let him hurt you."

That did nothing to comfort me. I was so sick of crying and being afraid, but I felt ever since I'd been dragged here, my mental health had taken a steep decline.

Arden hugged me without me having to ask. His embrace was tight and secure, but I kept hearing in my head, "False sense of security."

"Believe me, Jade. I won't let him hurt you. You are safe here. I promise."

"And when I'm not here anymore, then what?"

"Do not be pessimistic. I will win the war."

"Now you're going to win the war? What happened to training me for the chance that you won't win?"

"I've realized that the way I'm pushing you has not been good. I have been too negative." He pulled away and held me in place to peer into my eyes. "The power stance analogy, right? I'm putting out positive energy now. Please forgive me, Princess, for not doing so earlier."

I didn't know what to say. I was stuck between being in awe that he even apologized to me and feeling like it was too little too late. I knew he had those doubts for a reason, and now that I knew exactly what was in store for me, I wanted to curl into a ball and hide. Better yet, I wish I were dead.

"Don't think that way, Jade!" Arden snapped, unable to mask his horror. "You will be okay. I promise you. I give you my word."

His "word" went in one and ear out the other. I pushed him away and laid back in my bed in an emotionless heap. He knelt before me and began to speak, but as his lips moved, I could hear nothing. I rolled to my side and looked up at the paintings on my wall. I found a spot where my eyes rested comfortably and remained fixated on it.

I didn't want to think about anything, nor did I want to feel. I treasured being lost in this place within my mind where nothing could harm me; I was in bliss with the nothingness.

Arden grabbed my hand and sent warmth flooding into it.

Hear me, Jade.

I lazily focused on the words invading my mind.

You are depressed. I want to give you something to help. If I do this, will you cooperate?

I didn't bother to respond.

He released his grip and swiftly left the room. My eyes returned to their comfortable gazing position, and I lay in silence for a while. With each hour that passed, I willed myself to move to no avail.

I then reprimanded myself for being weak; I hated myself for being defenseless. I wallowed in my misery, knowing that I was helpless. If Mercury's men wanted to do something to me, they would succeed.

The Girl of Many Worlds | (Story formerly known as "Multiworldcial")Where stories live. Discover now