Chapter 4

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Jason and I exchanged glances before I got up to check it out. I peeked through the peephole and didn't recognize the man standing there. He had dark red short wavy hair, a pointed nose, and sharp cheekbones. He looked vaguely familiar actually—he reminded me a lot of Dad. Except Dad's hair wasn't red. It was a sandy light brown color.

"Who is it?" I asked.

The man looked back through peephole and startled, I stared into a pair of magenta colored eyes. "Hello, lovely, I've stopped by to see your father."

Instant chills filled my body. His voice was sultry and too confident—his very presence emitted power and control. My hands quivered and moved away from the knob. I took several steps back, right into the arms of Jason. He steadied me and made me face him.

"I don't know who he is but he said he's here to see my dad."

"Honey, I don't like to be kept waiting," said the man's muffled voice. "Please let me in; your father should be expecting me."

"Ask him his name," Jason said. Slowly, I walked back to the door. "What's your name, sir?"

"Mercury," he said. Jason let out a hiss and Arden said, "We're out of time. I will be there shortly." He hung up.

"What does that mean?" I asked, staring at Jason wide-eyed. "Why did he say we're out of time?" He took my face into his hands. With an unwavering stare, he whispered, "Listen to me. Mercury is powerful. Either we let him in, or he breaks in himself. I'm going to call the cops to buy us some time, and you're going to open the door. We'll be okay, Jade. Do not freak out." I nodded shakily. "Tell him your dad is still at work. Okay? You'll only be alone with Mercury for a few minutes. He won't hurt you."

I nodded again. Jason walked out of the room to make the call in the backyard. I returned to the door and unlocked it. With a heavy breath, I swung it open.

He was tall and towered at least a foot and a half above me. He was wearing clothes that looked like they were from medieval times; he had a red outer coat that had a white with black polka dots lining. Underneath it and also peeking out through the sleeves of the coat was a blue long sleeved shirt. He wore a black belt around his waist which is where his shirt split and slightly opened. In the middle of his shirt lay a brown strip of fabric with a complex looking pattern. The shirt was collared and the collar stood up around his neck. He also wore a large, gold chained necklace with a lion decal engraved into it at the middle. It lay on top of a large oval shape of gold.

"Hello, Jade," Mercury said. My jaw dropped staring at him. He smirked and repeated, "Hello, Jade."

"Hi," I choked out nervously. "How do you know my name? Is it because my father knows you?"

"Yeah. Don't you?"

"No... should I?"

He shook his head with a smile and took slow but deliberate steps inside. I shut the door and followed after him timidly. He entered the living room with a knowing gaze. "Leave it to your father not to let you know about your uncle."

A wave of intense fear and confusion filled me. His words held way too much weight—as dramatic as it sounds, I almost stumbled back. "My uncle?"

Dad never in my life said he had a brother. He said Grandma didn't want us around and that Grandpa died a long time ago, which was the cause for her behavior. But a brother—an uncle?

Mercury took a seat on the couch and motioned for me to sit in the loveseat across from him. The coffee table stood between us as we stared at each other; it was the only thing that made me feel safe from him. Reluctantly, I sat.

"You and I have a lot to discuss, don't we?" Mercury asked. He crossed his legs and folded his hands together on top of them. "First of all... where is your father?"

"He's still at work," I lied. His eyes burrowed into mine.

"Well," Mercury said. "That won't do. I've come to let him know that I'll be taking you ahead of time. The King of Euphoria is here and I can't help but feel that it's his doing."

"Taking me? What are you talking about?"

He laughed. "He didn't even tell you about how special your 18th birthday is, did he?"

My stomach flipped and I stayed silent.

"Mhm, of course not, of course." A blue ball of light formed in his hands. I gasped. It looked so similar to the one I saw between Jason and Arden.

His next words sent my brain into a spiraling frenzy. "It's special because you'll be marrying me."

The Girl of Many Worlds | (Story formerly known as "Multiworldcial")Where stories live. Discover now