Chapter 13

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Zander walked me back to my room. "I'll see you tomorrow, Princess Jade."

"Thank you, Zander," I said quietly. I felt like my voice wasn't my own. I've never felt so weak and brittle before. He bowed before taking his leave and I shut the door. My forehead pressed against the cold wood and I let out a shaky breath. This was going to be my first actual night in this castle.

Everything sounded different here. The wind howled outside and the sky continued to darken. I approached the large window and stared into the wasteland. It was so barren and empty, with the faintest hint of a tree line in the distance. I wondered what lay beyond the safety of the castle. A part of me wanted to leave to find Amoya and be back in California... but there'd be almost nothing back on Earth for me. Besides my friends and grandparents, I'd be all alone.

My grandparents!

I squeezed my eyes shut and mentally blocked out the picture of Mercury finding them and ending their lives... all because of me. He couldn't though, right? He doesn't even know about them. If he did, I can't imagine he'd feel the need to kill them! Besides, mom's parents were resourceful. They would be able to handle themselves against the murderous powerful...

Oh no... am I going to lose them too?

My fingers gripped onto the windowsill as the ache in my chest developed again. I knew I was going to have to cry and let out the grief I was feeling. Or I could hold it in until it came exploding out of me later.

I chose the former. I sank down to the ground and pressed my back against the wall below the window. I raised my knees into my chest and put my head in my hands. The onslaught of tears flowed out.

I don't know how long I cried. But I must've fallen asleep for quite a bit. I awoke to a voice in the doorway. "Jade. Are you all right?"

Startled, I looked and saw Arden there. He was wearing a loose, white, thick fabric v-neck shirt with black baggy pants instead of the royal garb he was adorned in earlier.

The hallway light poured into my room. I squinted and blinked several times in order to see him better. His face was devoid of any emotion. Why did he check in on me if he didn't even care?

"I'm fine," I said and pulled myself up off the ground. My back and legs all screamed in pain as I stood upright. I bit my lip to keep from making a noise and walked to the middle of the room, in front of the foot of my bed. "What's up?"

"I came to make sure you were getting your rest," Arden said. "We have things to attend to tomorrow."


He didn't budge and neither did I. I don't know if he was waiting for me to get in bed but a thought sprang into my mind, one that I was uncomfortable expressing to him. Gingerly, I said, "I... uh... have to use the bathroom. And shower."

He gave me an impatient look but stepped back into the hallway, motioning with his head for me to follow him. I walked over quickly and he led us down the hallway. "Camilla will bathe you tomorrow. I will show you to your bathroom."

"My bathroom" was actually fairly close. There were so many doors in between paintings in this hall that all looked the same: blackened wood. I made a point to note where it was when Arden pointed it out. The fifth door on the left. "Go ahead," he urged.

He didn't have to tell me twice. I made my way inside, the sensation in my bladder getting harder to ignore. After relieving myself, I took in my surroundings. The sink I was washing my hands in was a dark gray concrete basin with a golden-colored faucet. The toilet was a bland white, the standard you'd see on Earth, with a golden handle.

I peered up into the mirror in front of me. My dark hair fell in tousled waves past my shoulder. My hair lost a lot of definition over the few days I'd been here. I didn't have my usual hair products at my disposal to fix it up. The top half of hair would have to stay in lifeless clumps as the bottom part stayed juicer with a lot more dry frizz.

As I ran my fingers through the knots and tangles underneath, I glanced up at my eyes. They were red and my face was slightly swollen. After dumping some of my knotted hair in the also concrete trash receptacle, I splashed some cool water onto my face.

I dried my face on a soft towel next to the sink and took a look at the products below the mirror. There were glass bottles with a pump, and their labels read Facial Soap and Moisturizer; both were green in color. Next to them was another bottle with a pump that said Toothpaste. Unlike the two others, the toothpaste was black in appearance. There was a toothbrush in front of it, made of metal and some sort of bristles.

I picked it up to examine it closer. There was nothing out of the ordinary with it—it looked like a mostly normal soft-bristled toothbrush. It also was dry and looked brand new. I assumed it was for me, considering this was my bathroom. I wet it in the sink then applied a singular pump of the black toothpaste. My reflection in the mirror was hesitant as I brought the toothbrush up to my mouth and began to brush.

It was the most heavenly experience I've ever had when it came to brushing my teeth. The flavor was mint but more natural... earthy. The once black toothpaste turned grey to white in the areas I spent enough time in. Once my whole mouth was frothy and white, I spit it out into the basin and rinsed.

My face wash and moisturizer also had the same earthy qualities. I didn't like just putting anything on my face but all apprehension faded away as the wash and moisturizer melted into my skin.

As much as I wanted to shower then and there for the sake of hygiene, I knew I had to survive only a few hours before I'd be awake and... bathed since Arden was impatient. But of course, he was and didn't care. He was dirty royalty.

No matter... it was only a few short hours. Although, I was uncomfortable at the thought of having to be bathed. Camilla was a very sweet older woman but knowing she'd see more of me than she already had was so invasive.

At least she didn't have to do everything for me. It felt nice to know I'd still be able to take care of my basic needs, even worlds away from my own. I wished I at least had a satin pillowcase or bonnet for my hair, but you can't have it all. I glanced over my hair's appearance again. My poor hair had been through enough. I can't believe how tangled it got just by me sleeping on it for three days straight. I grabbed hold of a chunk of it and gave it a light squeeze. I heard a low crunch in response. I internally cringed. Hopefully, Camilla could wash and brush it for me tomorrow morning.

I sighed, smoothed away the creases on my clothes, and then opened the door. I half-expected to see Arden standing there still, but he was nowhere to be found. Of course not.

The Girl of Many Worlds | (Story formerly known as "Multiworldcial")Where stories live. Discover now