Chapter 9 London

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"Oh no! That poor vampire and ghost girl! What were their names again?"

"Valerie and uhhh let me check...Charlotte."

"Right that's so sad, but wait Brooklyn and Valerie died the same way at the same time right? So why isn't Brooklyn a ghost?"

"I don't know maybe she is, but just hasn't shown herself yet, or maybe there's an age limit on how old you have to be before you become a ghost." Maggie looked at me like I was the stupidest person in the world.

"Really London? An age limit?" I shrugged my shoulders.

"Yeah, do you have a better answer because I didn't know you were such a ghost expert." I said sarcastically. Maggie was about to say something, but she was quickly interrupted.

"Here's your food." The waitress said as she sat our food down in front of us. "That's a really nice book by the way." I turned my head towards her and saw she had a necklace on. It looked like a shield with a T on it, but the T was a deep purple stone.

"Thank you and that is a really nice necklace." She smiled and her eyes gave a hidden message that I couldn't interpret.

"Thank you it's from my grandmother. If you two need anything else just ask for Sarah." When we nodded our heads to her she smiled, turned hard on her heels and walked away. Maggie and I started to eat our food, but then Maggie looked up at me and grinned, then she broke the silence that laid between us.

"What if Charlotte was alive?" I shrugged. Why would it matter right? Her smile got larger and then she spoke again. "The diary said she was a vampire right?"

"Yes, but why does it matter if she lives or not?"

"Wouldn't it be awesome to meet a real life vampire?"

"Yes, but why would she just reveal herself to us? The only reason she revealed herself to those kids is because her friend did and because they needed those kids to help them. So what is your big plan, kidnap her and demand answers?" I chuckled at the thought and started to drink my coke.

"Well actually that's not far off from the outline of my plan." Her comment made me start to choke and spit all of the coke that was in my mouth onto her. She only frowned and started to dry herself off.

"Are you kidding me? You're kidding right, please say yes. This cannot be happening. That's it I'm officially insane, first I see who knows what back at the house in the window and now this." She looked up at me, confusion written all over her face.

"What did you see in the window?"

"I'm not sure. It could have been the air conditioning or something." She cocked an eyebrow and moved her head a bit. Times like these are when you could truly see her sassy side.

"Air conditioning? Really? Is that the best you could do? Have you ever seen a scary movie?"

"Yes Maggie I have and you know why everyone dies? It's because they stay at the house so if we leave it alone we'll survive, now that's real magic." She rolled her eyes at me and chuckled a bit.

"Whatever you love me too much to say no to me so eat your food we're leaving soon." After we finished eating we waved down our waitress and asked for our check. Maggie insisted on paying so before she could I told her someone was trying to steal her car. She jumped up and looked out the window trying to see if I was serious. While she was distracted I put the cash in the check carrier. I stood up and grabbed my stuff starting to walk away as Maggie got after me for tricking her so I could pay. I gave Sarah the check right as Maggie caught up to me.

"London, why would you do that? I said I would pay." I rolled my eyes and laughed.

"Thank you for the tip." Sarah said to me with a smile.

"No problem, I hope you have a good rest of your day Sarah. In this town I'm sure we'll see each other again." I said laughing.

We were leaving and I swear I heard Sarah say something along the lines of trust me we will. I turned around to see if she was there and she was gone. I looked around to see if she was serving a table, but I couldn't see her anywhere. Like she had just vanished. Maggie's voice pulled me out of my thoughts.

"Hey you coming?"

"Yeah, let's go."

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