Chapter 2 Dakota

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Julie told me to come here with some friends and I had agreed. We met on December 10th. Our entire group was Miriam, Beth, Brisa, Alexis, Perla, Emily, Kenzie, Ashley, Julie, Jazmine, and me. We are part of the Columbians Color guard. Julie and Jazmine are our instructors.

"This will be great!" Julie came through the front door. "We spend our last few days of the year in this 'haunted' house and come out as heroes. To help us survive this I brought a portable DVD player, Disney movies and some food. Let's do this!" Jazmine walked in next.

"Okay so Brisa, Beth, and Miriam you guys get the beds ready. Julie and I will get the movie ready. Dakota, you and Alexis go explore it would be good to know where things are around here. Oh, and everyone else start making sandwiches. READY? BREAK!" We all left to do our jobs. Alexis and I started to walk up the stairs.


"Yeah." She started going out with this guy a while ago and she knew I didn't approve only because he has got some problems. By problems I don't mean he can't spell Mississippi, though I'm pretty sure he can't, his main problem is that he seems to 'mistake' everyone he dates for a punching bag. Little does she know that I like her and that I'm falling for her more and more every time we hang out, but I can't because she's dating him. Ever since they started dating, things have just been awkward between us and it's probably because I don't hide my feelings about him well.

"I know you don't like him, but-" Alexis had started bringing me out of my thoughts when suddenly we heard a loud crashing sound like glass being broken instantly followed by screaming. We both sprinted down the stairs and saw the front window was broken. There were glass shards everywhere right under the window was an old worn baseball. I looked out the window and no one was there. I shouted in case they were still nearby and were only hiding.

"You stupid idiots!"

"Now we need to clean this up and get that window covered so no one can just come in here." Jazmine said.



"Can you go get some boards and nails? We need to fix this as soon as possible."

"Yeah no problem."

"I'll go with him." I turned around and saw Alexis with her coat already on.

"Okay you two be quick okay?"

"Yeah we'll be back as soon as we can."

"Can we start the movie without you two?"

"Yeah Okay bye."

"Bye!" Everyone shouted back. Alexis and I got into the car and I started to drive.

"Listen. Dakota, I..."

"Don't. I don't want to hear it."


"But what? You know what he's done and you still insist to date him."

"Those are just rumors."

"Oh yeah? What about these!?!" I grabbed her arm revealing bruises in the shape of his boyfriend's hand.


"I'm the only guy in the Color guard, it is my job to protect my sisters." I call all the girls in the Color guard my sisters. I don't have any real sisters and we are all so close we seem like family.

"Dakota, can we just for-"

"Do you love him?"


"Do you love him?"

"It's complicated."

"No, it's not. It's a yes or a no. Do you love him?"

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