Chapter 15 London

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WARNING: Description of slight Self Harm, it is marked both when it starts, and it ends. If this is something that may trigger you, please skip it.

I grabbed a rag and a bowl and I filled it with warm water. I went and pulled up a chair next to Charlotte. I set the bowl down on the floor and got the rag wet with the water inside. I lifted her shirt slowly just over the wound. I saw it wasn't as deep as I thought it was just a very shallow cut. I rung out the rag and started to clean away the dry blood and clean the cut itself. Charlotte flinched at first, but then she stopped moving. I hoped she was just sleeping. I started cleaning her face with the rag when I was done with her cut. When I was finished washing her face I went upstairs and found the toothbrush and toothpaste that Sean told me about. I went back downstairs and looked at the bowl. The water was a deep red color. I decided to dump out the water and wash the bowl so I set down the toothbrush and toothpaste on the chair and I dumped out the water and started to clean up the bowl. When the bowl was almost clean I heard a brushing sound behind me. I turned off the water and turned around. There stood Charlotte she was brushing her teeth and staring at me. I smiled at her she continued to frown and brush her teeth. I stopped smiling. What was wrong with her. She started walking towards me slowly. When she was right in front of me she reached behind me. Then she leaned forward, and spit what was in her mouth into the sink. Then she rinsed off the toothbrush and set it down and walked back to the other side of the kitchen.

"I'm sorry you had to see that."

"It's fine."

"No it's not. If I would have known I wouldn't have-" Before she could continue I walked up to her and wrapped my arms around her.

"Thank you for saving me." She pulled away from me which made me frown.

"I didn't save you Sean did." She turned around and faced the wall. "And I'm leaving." This was surprising. Why would she leave? Didn't she care about this place? Or at least about me? WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME? I didn't care about her! Not now not ever! I had to try my best to keep my cool.

"Are you kidding me?!" I failed.

"No. I only bring danger." I couldn't believe this. I grabbed her arm and pulled her as hard as I could. I sat her down on the chair I left in the living room. She looked very confused. I ran and grabbed some of the rope from the corner and used it to tie her up. For some reason she didn't refuse. When she was all tied up, I felt something change within me, as if someone else was in control. I went to my bag and pulled out my pocket knife I had and I stood in front of her.

*Trigger warning*

"You silly vampire."  She started to squirm.

"Twila? Leave her alone!"

"No, I don't think I will." I tried to stop the knife once it was against my skin, but it wouldn't stop moving. I felt it rip through my skin. As I pulled the knife down my palm I felt a scream escape my throat. Charlotte started to attempt to get out of the chair.

"Twila please stop! London you have to try and overpower her!" I tried to stop, but it was like something else had ahold of my arm.

"I'm trying!"

"Oh crap!" She was nearly tipping the chair.

"What? What is going on?"

"Just shut up and get over here!" I moved next to Charlotte, my hand was next to her face. "We both know what you want just do it already!" What was Charlotte doing and who was she screaming to? I looked down still feeling the blade movement. It was slowing down. There was too much blood to see what it was making. The lights went out it was completely dark. Did someone forget to pay the bill? Wait why were the lights on in the first place. A loud snap pulled me from my thoughts. Right as I started to look up I felt someone grab my hand with the knife in it and rip away the blade. Then grab my arms and push me against the wall. I felt the person shaking. Then I felt them get really close and their warm breath tickled the side of my face.

"Don't ever do that again." It was Charlotte.

"I couldn't stop it I tried. I'm sorry." I felt Charlotte's arms wrap around me. I felt so safe with her. I rested my head on her shoulder. We stayed like that for a while then I felt a gush of wind go and come back. Charlotte was in front of me, and she grabbed my hand then started wrapping it up to help stop the bleeding. When I was all cleaned up, she picked me up. "Char what are you doing?"

"I'm laying you down on the couch so you can sleep."

"I don't want to sleep." She just looked at me and smiled.

"Sure you do." I gave my best thinking face I could and pretended to think about it.

"Nope! Still don't want to sleep." She laid me down the couch and I jumped off. I grabbed her hand and pulled her towards me. "Let's dance instead!" She laughed at me.

"How much beer did you drink?"

"Well only about three fourths of the tall glass why?"

"Because that beer is extra strong. Sean's special recipe. You see creatures like us don't get as drunk as easy as you humans so he made it stronger. Half a glass will get humans drunk, and their intoxication will just get worse the more they drink."

"You know what I learned from that?"


"That you're still not dancing with me!" With that I let her go, grabbed my phone, and turned on Pandora. I went back and took her left hand and rested my right on her shoulder. She put her right hand on my waist.

"Why did you want to dance so badly?"

"I don't know does it really matter."

A thousand years by Christina Perri came on and we started to sway to the music. For some reason this felt right.

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