Chapter 27 Charlotte

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I looked around and I was pleased with what I saw. Everyone showed up, we might win this fight. My grandmother and I ran back and told Sean what was happening. He took us to his place and hit the emergency button. It called all of the vampires and werewolves from all around the world to come, but some were farther than others so we told them where we would be fighting so they could met us there. With everyone that has showed up so far there has to be at least five-thousand of us. We led everyone in a march to the field where we knew Twilla took London. I kept a straight face as we marched. It took us a while to get there, but I was not pleased to see that they were waiting for us. They changed the land around the farm. There was hills everywhere instead of the normal flat land. I  turned around and faced our 'army'.

"This is it. It's time to fight. We all have lost things because of Twilla and now is our chance to get revenge. I know she's not going to go down without a fight and so do you. That doesn't matter though because we don't give up, we won't ever stop fighting. I won't leave this field till we win or I die which will be very unlikely. So who's with me?!" Everyone screamed in response. I turned around and saw Twilla and Sarah standing there with a very bloody London. Twilla and Sarah started laughing and they both raised their hands making their own army come out of the ground. Their army was larger than ours, but then what I saw next surprised me. London raised her hands almost doubling their army's size. I felt anger take over. They changed her. I'm going to kill them. "CHARGE!" We all started to run towards the other army as they ran towards us. When we met we started to do what we do best. Kill. Don't worry London, I'm coming.

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